Function middlewareCreator

  • Generates a configurable middleware for the application to use. It's configurable because the creator, instead of just being sent to the container to mount, it can also be called as a function with custom parameters the middleware can receive.

    Type Parameters


    • creator: CreatorFn

      A function that will generate a middleware.

    Returns ResourceCreator<"middleware", "connect", CreatorFn, MiddlewareConnectFn>

    Example: Basic usage

      const myMiddleware = middlewareCreator((options = {}) => (app) => {
    const message = options.message || 'Hello Charo!';
    const responsesBuilder = app.get<ResponsesBuilder>('responsesBuilder');
    return (_, res) => {
    responsesBuilder.json({ res, data: { message } });

    // ...

    Example: Custom parameters

      container.use(myMiddleware({ message: 'Hello Pili!' }));

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