Class StaticsController

The controller class that allows the application to serve specific files from any folder to any route without the need of mounting directories as "static".




_mime: default

The MIME type library. Since it's an ESM only module, Jimpex loads it on boot and makes it available on the container.

The controller customization options.

_sendFile: SendFile

The service that serves static files.

files: Record<string, StaticsControllerFile>

A dictionary with the formatted definitions of the files that will be served. It uses the files' routes as keys, for easy access in the middleware.



  • Mounts the middlewares in the router in order to serve the files.


    • router: Router

      A reference to the application router.

    • middlewares: ExpressMiddleware[] = []

      A list of extra middlewares to execute before the file middleware.

    Returns Router

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