


A tiny function that reads the contents of the app package.json. This is really useful on an Jimple application where you can register it, because the returned value gets cached and it's available as a service.


Even if the function is really small (one line to be exact), it has a dependency: PathUtils. It uses it to build the path to the package.json relative to the project root directory.

Without Jimple

If you haven't tried Jimple, give it a try, it's excellent for organizing your app dependencies and services.

Let's start with the setup:

const { PathUtils, packageInfo } = require('wootils/node');
// Create an instance of the dependency.
const pathUtils = new PathUtils();

// Now, let's use the function
const packageJson = packageInfo(pathUtils);

Done, packageJson now has all the contents of your package.json, as an Object.

With Jimple

First, let's setup a dummy app and register the dependency and the service itself:

// Import all the required modules
const Jimple = require('jimple');
const { pathUtils, packageInfo } = require('wootils/node/providers');
// Create a dummy app
const app = new Jimple();
// Register the dependency
// Register the service

Now, to use it:

const packageJson = app.get('packageInfo');

Done, packageJson now has all the contents of your package.json, as an Object; and the file won't be read more than once.

ES Modules

If you are using ESM, you can import the function and the provider from the /esm sub path:

import {
} from 'wootils/esm/node/packageInfo';

// just the function

import { packageInfo } from 'wootils/esm/node';

// just the provider

import { packageInfoProvider } from 'wootils/esm/node/providers';

Technical documentation

If you are reading this form the markdown document, you can go to the online version; or you can generate the documentation site yourself by running the docs command:

# You can either use npm or yarn, it doesn't matter
npm run docs && open ./docs/index.html;