


Create a deferred promise using the native Promise object.


Using it is really simple, you call the deferred() function and get an object with promise, resolve and reject. You return the promise property and then call resolve or reject to either resolve the promise or reject it.

Now, a reason to use this is for when you have another service/function/something asking for something that your code hasn't even started to do:

I'm using Node and fs-extra because of the Promise based interface for fs.

const fs = require('fs-extra');
const { deferred } = require('wootils/shared');

class MyServiceThatLoadsAfile {
  constructor() {
    this._defer = deferred();
    this._fileContents = null;

  getFileContents() {
    return this._fileContents ?
      Promise.resolve(this._fileContents) :

  loadTheFile() {
    return fs.readFile('some-path', 'utf-8')
    .then((contents) => {
      this._fileContents = contents;
    .catch((error) => {

const myService = new MyServiceThatLoadsAfile();
.then((contents) => {
  console.log('GOT IT', contents);

// ...

Ok, there's a lot going on this example, let's break it:

  1. MyServiceThatLoadsAFile creates a deferred promise on its constructor.
  2. getFileContents should return the file contents, but because the file is not loaded yet (because loadTheFile has not been called), it returns the deferred promise.
  3. Eventually, loadTheFile gets called, it loads the file and either resolves or rejects the deferred promise, so the getFileContents().then(...) gets finally called.

I wanted to keep the example small, but on a real app, getFileContents is probably called by other service that has no idea the instance was just created or that loadTheFile hasn't been called yet.

ES Modules

If you are using ESM, you can import the function from the /esm sub path:

import deferred from 'wootils/esm/shared/deferred';

// or

import { deferred } from 'wootils/esm/shared';

Technical documentation

If you are reading this form the markdown document, you can go to the online version; or you can generate the documentation site yourself by running the docs command:

# You can either use npm or yarn, it doesn't matter
npm run docs && open ./docs/index.html;