
const extend = require('extend');
 * @module shared/objectUtils

 * @callback ObjectUtilsShouldFlatFn
 * @param {string} key    The key for the property object that is being parsed.
 * @param {Object} value  The value of the property object that is being parsed.
 * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the method should flat a sub object.
 * @parent module:shared/objectUtils

 * @typedef {Object.<string, string>} ObjectUtilsExtractPathsDictionary
 * @parent module:shared/objectUtils

 * @typedef {ObjectUtilsExtractPathsDictionary | string} ObjectUtilsExtractPath
 * @parent module:shared/objectUtils

 * A small collection of utility methods to work with objects.
 * @parent module:shared/objectUtils
 * @tutorial objectUtils
class ObjectUtils {
   * Creates a deep copy of a given object.
   * @param {Object} target  The object to copy.
   * @returns {Object}
  static copy(target) {
    return this.merge(target);
   * A shorthand method for {@link ObjectUtils.formatKeys} that transforms the keys from
   * `dash-case` to `lowerCamelCase`.
   * @param {Object}   target               The object for format.
   * @param {string[]} [include=[]]         A list of keys or paths where the
   *                                        transformation will be made. If not specified,
   *                                        the method will use all the keys from the
   *                                        object.
   * @param {string[]} [exclude=[]]         A list of keys or paths where the
   *                                        transformation won't be made.
   * @param {string}   [pathDelimiter='.']  The delimiter that will separate the path
   *                                        components for both `include` and `exclude`.
   * @returns {Object}
  static dashToLowerCamelKeys(target, include = [], exclude = [], pathDelimiter = '.') {
    return this.formatKeys(
      (fullMatch, firstLetter, secondLetter) => {
        const newSecondLetter = secondLetter.toUpperCase();
        return `${firstLetter}${newSecondLetter}`;
   * A shorthand method for {@link ObjectUtils.formatKeys} that transforms the keys from
   * `dash-case` to `snake_case`.
   * @param {Object}   target               The object for format.
   * @param {string[]} [include=[]]         A list of keys or paths where the
   *                                        transformation will be made. If not specified,
   *                                        the method will use all the keys from the
   *                                        object.
   * @param {string[]} [exclude=[]]         A list of keys or paths where the
   *                                        transformation won't be made.
   * @param {string}   [pathDelimiter='.']  The delimiter that will separate the path
   *                                        components for both `include` and `exclude`.
   * @returns {Object}
  static dashToSnakeKeys(target, include = [], exclude = [], pathDelimiter = '.') {
    return this.formatKeys(
      (fullMatch, firstLetter, secondLetter) => `${firstLetter}_${secondLetter}`,
   * Deletes a property of an object using a path.
   * @param {Object}  target                       The object from where the property will
   *                                               be removed.
   * @param {string}  objPath                      The path to the property.
   * @param {string}  [pathDelimiter='.']          The delimiter that will separate the
   *                                               path components.
   * @param {boolean} [cleanEmptyProperties=true]  If this flag is `true` and after
   *                                               removing the property the parent object
   *                                               is empty, it will remove it recursively
   *                                               until a non empty parent object is
   *                                               found.
   * @param {boolean} [failWithError=false]        Whether or not to throw an error when
   *                                               the path is invalid. If this is
   *                                               `false`, the method will silently fail.
   * @returns {Object} A copy of the original object with the removed property/properties.
   * @example
   *   const target = {
   *     propOne: {
   *       propOneSub: 'Charito!',
   *     },
   *     propTwo: '!!!',
   *   };
   *   console.log(ObjectUtils.delete(target, 'propOne.propOneSub'));
   *   // Will output { propTwo: '!!!' }
  static delete(
    pathDelimiter = '.',
    cleanEmptyProperties = true,
    failWithError = false,
  ) {
    const parts = objPath.split(pathDelimiter);
    const last = parts.pop();
    let result = this.copy(target);
    if (parts.length) {
      const parentPath = parts.join(pathDelimiter);
      const parentObj = this.get(result, parentPath, pathDelimiter, failWithError);
      delete parentObj[last];
      if (cleanEmptyProperties && !Object.keys(parentObj).length) {
        result = this.delete(
    } else {
      delete result[last];

    return result;
   * Extracts a property or properties from an object in order to create a new one.
   * @param {Object} target
   * The object from where the property/properties will be extracted.
   * @param {ObjectUtilsExtractPath | ObjectUtilsExtractPath[]} objPaths
   * This can be a single path or a list of them. And for this method, the paths are not
   * only strings but can also be an object with a single key, the would be the path to
   * where to "do the extraction", and the value the path on the target object.
   * @param {string} [pathDelimiter='.']
   * The delimiter that will separate the path components.
   * @param {boolean} [failWithError=false]
   * Whether or not to throw an error when the path is invalid. If this is `false`, the
   * method will silently fail an empty object.
   * @returns {Object}
   * @example
   *   const target = {
   *     name: {
   *       first: 'Rosario',
   *     },
   *     age: 3,
   *     address: {
   *       planet: 'earth',
   *       something: 'else',
   *     },
   *   };
   *   console.log(
   *     ObjectUtils.set(obj, [{ name: 'name.first' }, 'age', 'address.planet']),
   *   );
   *   // Will output { name: 'Rosario', age: 3, address: { planet: 'earth' } }
  static extract(target, objPaths, pathDelimiter = '.', failWithError = false) {
    const copied = this.copy(target);
    let result = {};
    (Array.isArray(objPaths) ? objPaths : [objPaths])
      .reduce((acc, objPath) => {
        let destPath;
        let originPath;
        if (typeof objPath === 'object') {
          [destPath] = Object.keys(objPath);
          originPath = objPath[destPath];
        } else {
          destPath = objPath;
          originPath = objPath;

        return [
            origin: originPath,
            customDest: destPath.includes(pathDelimiter),
            dest: destPath,
      }, [])
      .some((pathInfo) => {
        let breakLoop = false;
        const value = this.get(copied, pathInfo.origin, pathDelimiter, failWithError);
        if (typeof value !== 'undefined') {
          if (pathInfo.customDest) {
            result = this.set(result, pathInfo.dest, value, pathDelimiter, failWithError);
            if (typeof result === 'undefined') {
              breakLoop = true;
          } else {
            result[pathInfo.dest] = value;

        return breakLoop;

    return result;

   * Flatterns an object properties into a single level dictionary.
   * @param {Object} target
   * The object to transform.
   * @param {string} [pathDelimiter='.']
   * The delimiter that will separate the path components.
   * @param {string} [prefix='']
   * A custom prefix to be added before the name of the properties. This can be used on
   * custom cases and it's also used when the method calls itself in order to flattern a
   * sub object.
   * @param {?ObjectUtilsShouldFlatFn} [shouldFlattern=null]
   * A custom function that can be used in order to tell the method whether an Object or
   * an Array property should be flattern or not. It will receive the key for the property
   * and the Object/Array itself.
   * @returns {Object}
   * @example
   * const target = {
   * propOne: {
   * propOneSub: 'Charito!',
   * },
   * propTwo: '!!!',
   * };
   * console.log(ObjectUtils.flat(target);
   * // Will output { 'propOne.propOneSub': 'Charito!', propTwo: '!!!' }
  static flat(target, pathDelimiter = '.', prefix = '', shouldFlattern = null) {
    let result = {};
    const namePrefix = prefix ? `${prefix}${pathDelimiter}` : '';
    Object.keys(target).forEach((key) => {
      const name = `${namePrefix}${key}`;
      const value = target[key];
      const valueType = typeof value;
      const isObject = valueType === 'object' && value !== null;
      if (isObject && (!shouldFlattern || shouldFlattern(key, value))) {
        result = this.merge(
          this.flat(value, pathDelimiter, name, shouldFlattern),
      } else {
        result[name] = isObject ? this.copy(value) : value;

    return result;
   * Formats all the keys on an object using a way similar to `.replace(regexp, ...)` but
   * that also works recursively and with _"object paths"_.
   * @param {Object}   target               The object for format.
   * @param {RegExp}   searchExpression     The regular expression the method will use
   *                                        "match" the keys.
   * @param {Function} replaceWith          The callback the method will call when
   *                                        formatting a replacement. Think of
   *                                        `searchExpression` and `replaceWith` as the
   *                                        parameters of a `.replace` call,
   *                                        where the object is the key.
   * @param {string[]} [include=[]]         A list of keys or paths where the
   *                                        transformation will be made. If not specified,
   *                                        the method will use all the keys from the
   *                                        object.
   * @param {string[]} [exclude=[]]         A list of keys or paths where the
   *                                        transformation won't be made.
   * @param {string}   [pathDelimiter='.']  The delimiter that will separate the path
   *                                        components for both `include` and `exclude`.
   * @returns {Object}
   * @example
   *   const target = {
   *     prop_one: 'Charito!',
   *   };
   *   console.log(
   *     ObjectUtils.formatKeys(
   *       target,
   *       // Find all the keys with snake case.
   *       /([a-z])_([a-z])/g,
   *       // Using the same .replace style callback, replace it with lower camel case.
   *       (fullMatch, firstLetter, secondLetter) => {
   *         const newSecondLetter = secondLetter.toUpperCase();
   *         return `${firstLetter}${newSecondLetter}`;
   *       },
   *     ),
   *   );
   *   // Will output { propOne: 'Charito!}.
  static formatKeys(
    include = [],
    exclude = [],
    pathDelimiter = '.',
  ) {
    // First of all, get all the keys from the target.
    const keys = Object.keys(target);
     * Then, check which keys are parent to other objects.
     * This is saved on a dictionary not only because it makes it easier to check if the
     * method should make a recursive call for a key, but also because when parsing the
     * `exclude`
     * parameter, if one of items is a key (and not an specific path), the method won't
     * make the recursive call.
     * @ignore
    const hasChildrenByKey = {};
    keys.forEach((key) => {
      const value = target[key];
      hasChildrenByKey[key] = !!(
        value &&
        typeof value === 'object' &&
        value !== null &&
        !Array.isArray(value) &&
     * Escape the path delimiter and create two regular expression: One that removes the path
     * delimiter from the start of a path and one that removes it from the end.
     * They are later used to normalize paths in order to avoid "incomplete paths" (paths that
     * end or start with the delimiter).
    const escapedPathDelimiter = pathDelimiter.replace(
    const cleanPathStartExpression = new RegExp(`^${escapedPathDelimiter}`, 'i');
    const cleanPathEndExpression = new RegExp(`${escapedPathDelimiter}$`, 'i');
     * This dictionary will be used to save the `include` parameter that will be sent for specific
     * keys on recursive calls.
     * If `include` has a path like `myKey.mySubKey`, `myKey` is not transformed, but `mySubKey`
     * is saved on this dictionary (`{ myKey: ['mySubKey']}`) and when the method applies the
     * formatting to the object, if `myKey` has an object, it will make a recursive all and
     * send `['mySubKey]` as its `include` parameter.
    const subIncludeByKey = {};
     * This will be an array containing the final list of `keys` that should be tranformed.
     * To be clear, these keys will be from the top level, so, they won't be paths.
     * Thd following blocks will parse `include` and `exclude` in order to extract the real keys,
     * prepare the `include` and `exclude` for recursive calls, and save the actual keys
     * from the object "at the current level of this call" (no, it's not thinking about the
     * children :P).
    let keysToFormat;
    // If the `include` parameter has paths/keys...
    if (include.length) {
      keysToFormat = include
        .map((includePath) => {
          // Normalize the path/key.
          const useIncludePath = includePath
            .replace(cleanPathStartExpression, '')
            .replace(cleanPathEndExpression, '');
          // Define the variable that will, eventually, have the real key.
          let key;
          // If the value is a path...
          if (useIncludePath.includes(pathDelimiter)) {
            // Split all its components.
            const pathParts = useIncludePath.split(pathDelimiter);
            // Get the first component, a.k.a. the real key.
            const pathKey = pathParts.shift();
             * This is very important: Since the path was specified with sub components
             * (like `myProp.mySubProp`), the method won't format the key, but the sub
             * key(s)
             * (`mySubProp`).
             * The `key` is set to `false` so it will be later removed using `.filter`.
             * @ignore
            key = false;
             * If there's no array for the key on the "`include` dictionary for recursive calls",
             * create an empty one.
            if (!subIncludeByKey[pathKey]) {
              subIncludeByKey[pathKey] = [];
            // Save the rest of the path to be sent on the recursive call as `include`.
          } else {
            // If the value wasn't a path, assume it's a key, and set it to be returned.
            key = useIncludePath;

          return key;
        // Remove any `false` keys.
        .filter((key) => key);
    } else {
      // There's nothing on the `include` parameter, so use all the keys.
      keysToFormat = keys;
     * Similar to `subIncludeByKey`, this dictionary will be used to save the `exclude` parameter
     * that will be sent for specific keys on recursive calls.
     * If `exclude` has a path like `myKey.mySubKey`, `myKey` will be transformed, but `mySubKey`
     * is saved on this dictionary (`{ myKey: ['mySubKey']}`) and when the method applies the
     * formatting to the object, if `myKey` has an object, it will make a recursive all and
     * send `['mySubKey]` as its `exclude` parameter.
    const subExcludeByKey = {};
    // If the `include` parameter has paths/keys...
    if (exclude.length) {
       * Create a dictionary of keys that should be removed from `keysToFormat`.
       * It's easier to have them on a list and use `.filter` than actually call `.splice` for
       * every key that should be removed.
      const keysToRemove = [];
      exclude.forEach((excludePath) => {
        // Normalize the path/key.
        const useExcludePath = excludePath
          .replace(cleanPathStartExpression, '')
          .replace(cleanPathEndExpression, '');
        // If the value is a path...
        if (useExcludePath.includes(pathDelimiter)) {
          // Split all its components.
          const pathParts = useExcludePath.split(pathDelimiter);
          // Get the first component, a.k.a. the real key.
          const pathKey = pathParts.shift();
           * If there's no array for the key on the "`exclude` dictionary for recursive calls",
           * create an empty one.
          if (!subExcludeByKey[pathKey]) {
            subExcludeByKey[pathKey] = [];
          // Save the rest of the path to be sent on the recursive call as `exclude`.
        } else {
           * If the value wasn't a path, assume it's a key, turn the flag on the "children
           * dictionary" to `false`, to prevent recursive calls, and add the key to the
           * list of keys that will be removed from `keysToFormat`.
           * Basically: If it's a key, don't format it and don't make recursive calls for
           * it.
           * @ignore
          hasChildrenByKey[useExcludePath] = false;
      // Remove keys that should be excluded.
      keysToFormat = keysToFormat.filter((key) => !keysToRemove.includes(key));
    // "Finally", reduce all the keys from the object and create the new one...
    return keys.reduce((newObj, key) => {
       * Define the new key and value for the object property. Depending on the validations,
       * they may be replaced with formatted ones.
      let newKey;
      let newValue;
       * Get the current value for the key, in case it's needed for a recursive call or just
       * to send it back because it didn't need any change.
      const value = target[key];
      // If the key should be formatted, apply the formatting; otherwise, keep the original.
      if (keysToFormat.includes(key)) {
        newKey = key.replace(searchExpression, replaceWith);
      } else {
        newKey = key;
       * If the paths/keys on `exclude` didn't modify the "children dictionary" for the key and
       * the value is another object, make a recursive call; otherwise, just use the original
       * value.
      if (hasChildrenByKey[key]) {
        newValue = this.formatKeys(
          subIncludeByKey[key] || [],
          subExcludeByKey[key] || [],
      } else {
        newValue = value;
      // "Done", return the new object with the "new key" and the "new value".
      return { ...newObj, [newKey]: newValue };
    }, {});
   * Returns the value of an object property using a path.
   * @param {Object}  target                 The object from where the property will be
   *                                         read.
   * @param {string}  objPath                The path to the property.
   * @param {string}  [pathDelimiter='.']    The delimiter that will separate the path
   *                                         components.
   * @param {boolean} [failWithError=false]  Whether or not to throw an error when the
   *                                         path is invalid. If this is `false`, the
   *                                         method will silently fail and return
   *                                         `undefined`.
   * @returns {*}
   * @throws {Error} If the path is invalid and `failWithError` is set to `true`.
   * @example
   *   const obj = {
   *     propOne: {
   *       propOneSub: 'Charito!',
   *     },
   *     propTwo: '!!!',
   *   };
   *   console.log(ObjectUtils.get(obj, 'propOne.propOneSub'));
   *   // Will output 'Charito!'
  static get(target, objPath, pathDelimiter = '.', failWithError = false) {
    const parts = objPath.split(pathDelimiter);
    const first = parts.shift();
    let currentElement = target[first];
    if (typeof currentElement === 'undefined') {
      if (failWithError) {
        throw new Error(`There's nothing on '${objPath}'`);
    } else if (parts.length) {
      let currentPath = first;
      parts.some((currentPart) => {
        let breakLoop = false;
        currentPath += `${pathDelimiter}${currentPart}`;
        currentElement = currentElement[currentPart];
        if (typeof currentElement === 'undefined') {
          if (failWithError) {
            throw new Error(`There's nothing on '${currentPath}'`);
          } else {
            breakLoop = true;

        return breakLoop;

    return currentElement;
   * A shorthand method for {@link ObjectUtils.formatKeys} that transforms the keys from
   * `lowerCamelCase` to `dash-case`.
   * @param {Object}   target               The object for format.
   * @param {string[]} [include=[]]         A list of keys or paths where the
   *                                        transformation will be made. If not specified,
   *                                        the method will use all the keys from the
   *                                        object.
   * @param {string[]} [exclude=[]]         A list of keys or paths where the
   *                                        transformation won't be made.
   * @param {string}   [pathDelimiter='.']  The delimiter that will separate the path
   *                                        components for both `include` and `exclude`.
   * @returns {Object}
  static lowerCamelToDashKeys(target, include = [], exclude = [], pathDelimiter = '.') {
    return this.formatKeys(
      (fullMatch, firstLetter, secondLetter) => {
        const newSecondLetter = secondLetter.toLowerCase();
        return `${firstLetter}-${newSecondLetter}`;
   * A shorthand method for {@link ObjectUtils.formatKeys} that transforms the keys from
   * `lowerCamelCase` to `snake_case`.
   * @param {Object}   target               The object for format.
   * @param {string[]} [include=[]]         A list of keys or paths where the
   *                                        transformation will be made. If not specified,
   *                                        the method will use all the keys from the
   *                                        object.
   * @param {string[]} [exclude=[]]         A list of keys or paths where the
   *                                        transformation won't be made.
   * @param {string}   [pathDelimiter='.']  The delimiter that will separate the path
   *                                        components for both `include` and `exclude`.
   * @returns {Object}
  static lowerCamelToSnakeKeys(target, include = [], exclude = [], pathDelimiter = '.') {
    return this.formatKeys(
      (fullMatch, firstLetter, secondLetter) => {
        const newSecondLetter = secondLetter.toLowerCase();
        return `${firstLetter}_${newSecondLetter}`;
   * This method makes a deep merge of a list of objects into a new one. The method also
   * supports arrays.
   * @param {...Object} targets  The objects to merge.
   * @returns {Object}
   * @example
   *   const objA = { a: 'first' };
   *   const objB = { b: 'second' };
   *   console.log(ObjectUtils.merge(objA, objB));
   *   // Will output { a: 'first', b: 'second' }
   * @example
   *   const arrA = [{ a: 'first' }];
   *   const arrB = [{ b: 'second' }];
   *   console.log(ObjectUtils.merge(objA, objB));
   *   // Will output [{ a: 'first', b: 'second' }]
  static merge(...targets) {
    const [firstTarget] = targets;
    const base = Array.isArray(firstTarget) ? [] : {};
    return extend(true, base, ...targets);
   * Sets a property on an object using a path. If the path doesn't exist, it will be
   * created.
   * @param {Object}  target                 The object where the property will be set.
   * @param {string}  objPath                The path for the property.
   * @param {*}       value                  The value to set on the property.
   * @param {string}  [pathDelimiter='.']    The delimiter that will separate the path
   *                                         components.
   * @param {boolean} [failWithError=false]  Whether or not to throw an error when the
   *                                         path is invalid. If this is `false`, the
   *                                         method will silently fail and return
   *                                         `undefined`.
   * @returns {Object} A copy of the original object with the added property/properties.
   * @throws {Error} If one of the path components is for a non-object property and
   *                 `failWithError` is set to `true`.
   * @example
   *   const target = {};
   *   console.log(ObjectUtils.set(target, 'some.prop.path', 'some-value'));
   *   // Will output { some: { prop: { path: 'some-value' } } }
  static set(target, objPath, value, pathDelimiter = '.', failWithError = false) {
    let result = this.copy(target);
    if (objPath.includes(pathDelimiter)) {
      const parts = objPath.split(pathDelimiter);
      const last = parts.pop();
      let currentElement = result;
      let currentPath = '';
      parts.forEach((part) => {
        currentPath += `${pathDelimiter}${part}`;
        const element = currentElement[part];
        const elementType = typeof element;
        if (elementType === 'undefined') {
          currentElement[part] = {};
          currentElement = currentElement[part];
        } else if (elementType === 'object') {
          currentElement = currentElement[part];
        } else {
          const errorPath = currentPath.substr(pathDelimiter.length);
          if (failWithError) {
            throw new Error(
              `There's already an element of type '${elementType}' on '${errorPath}'`,
          } else {
            result = undefined;

      if (result) {
        currentElement[last] = value;
    } else {
      result[objPath] = value;

    return result;
   * A shorthand method for {@link ObjectUtils.formatKeys} that transforms the keys from
   * `snake_case` to `dash-case`.
   * @param {Object}   target               The object for format.
   * @param {string[]} [include=[]]         A list of keys or paths where the
   *                                        transformation will be made. If not specified,
   *                                        the method will use all the keys from the
   *                                        object.
   * @param {string[]} [exclude=[]]         A list of keys or paths where the
   *                                        transformation won't be made.
   * @param {string}   [pathDelimiter='.']  The delimiter that will separate the path
   *                                        components for both `include` and `exclude`.
   * @returns {Object}
  static snakeToDashKeys(target, include = [], exclude = [], pathDelimiter = '.') {
    return this.formatKeys(
      (fullMatch, firstLetter, secondLetter) => `${firstLetter}-${secondLetter}`,
   * A shorthand method for {@link ObjectUtils.formatKeys} that transforms the keys from
   * `snake_case` to `lowerCamelCase`.
   * @param {Object}   target               The object for format.
   * @param {string[]} [include=[]]         A list of keys or paths where the
   *                                        transformation will be made. If not specified,
   *                                        the method will use all the keys from the
   *                                        object.
   * @param {string[]} [exclude=[]]         A list of keys or paths where the
   *                                        transformation won't be made.
   * @param {string}   [pathDelimiter='.']  The delimiter that will separate the path
   *                                        components for both `include` and `exclude`.
   * @returns {Object}
  static snakeToLowerCamelKeys(target, include = [], exclude = [], pathDelimiter = '.') {
    return this.formatKeys(
      (fullMatch, firstLetter, secondLetter) => {
        const newSecondLetter = secondLetter.toUpperCase();
        return `${firstLetter}${newSecondLetter}`;
   * This method does the exact opposite from `flat`: It takes an already flattern object
   * and restores it structure.
   * @param {Object} target               The object to transform.
   * @param {string} [pathDelimiter='.']  The delimiter that will separate the path
   *                                      components.
   * @returns {Object}
   * @example
   *   const target = {
   *     'propOne.propOneSub': 'Charito!',
   *     propTwo: '!!!',
   *   };
   *   console.log(ObjectUtils.unflat(target));
   *   // Will output { propOne: { propOneSub: 'Charito!' }, 'propTwo': '!!!' }
  static unflat(target, pathDelimiter = '.') {
    return Object.keys(target).reduce(
      (current, key) => this.set(current, key, target[key], pathDelimiter),
   * @throws {Error} If instantiated. This class is meant to be have only static
   *                 methods.
  constructor() {
    throw new Error('ObjectUtils is a static class');

module.exports = ObjectUtils;