
const { providerCreator } = require('../shared/jimpleFns');
const { deepAssign } = require('../shared/deepAssign');
 * @module node/rootRequire

 * @typedef {import('./pathUtils').PathUtils} PathUtils

 * @typedef {import('../shared/jimpleFns').ProviderCreator<O>} ProviderCreator
 * @template O

 * @typedef {Object} RootRequireServiceMap
 * @property {string | PathUtils} [pathUtils]  The name of the service for
 *                                             {@link PathUtils} or an instance of it.
 *                                             `pathUtils` by default.
 * @parent module:node/rootRequire

 * @typedef {Object} RootRequireProviderOptions
 * @property {string}                serviceName  The name that will be used to register
 *                                                the result of
 *                                                {@link module:node/rootRequire~rootRequire|rootRequire}.
 *                                                Its default value is `rootRequire`.
 * @property {RootRequireServiceMap} services     A dictionary with the services that need
 *                                                to be injected on the function.
 * @parent module:node/rootRequire

 * Exactly like `require`, but th epath is relative to the project root directory.
 * @callback RootRequireFn
 * @param {string} path  The path to the file, relative to the project root directory.
 * @returns {Object}
 * @parent module:node/rootRequire
 * @tutorial rootRequire

 * Generates a function to require a file relative to the project root directory.
 * @param {PathUtils} pathUtils  To build the path to the files it will `require`.
 * @returns {RootRequireFn}
 * @tutorial rootRequire
const rootRequire = (pathUtils) => (path) =>
  // eslint-disable-next-line global-require,import/no-dynamic-require,implicit-arrow-linebreak

 * The service provider that once registered on the app container will set the result of
 * {@link module:node/rootRequire~rootRequire|rootRequire} as a service.
 * @type {ProviderCreator<RootRequireProviderOptions>}
 * @tutorial rootRequire
const rootRequireProvider = providerCreator((options = {}) => (app) => {
  app.set(options.serviceName || 'rootRequire', () => {
     * @type {RootRequireProviderOptions}
     * @ignore
    const useOptions = deepAssign(
        services: {
          pathUtils: 'pathUtils',

    const { pathUtils } =;
    const usePathUtils = typeof pathUtils === 'string' ? app.get(pathUtils) : pathUtils;

    return rootRequire(usePathUtils);

module.exports.rootRequire = rootRequire;
module.exports.rootRequireProvider = rootRequireProvider;