
const path = require('path');
const { providerCreator } = require('../shared/jimpleFns');
 * @module node/pathUtils

 * @typedef {import('../shared/jimpleFns').ProviderCreator<O>} ProviderCreator
 * @template O

 * @typedef {Object} PathUtilsProviderOptions
 * @property {string} serviceName  The name that will be used to register an instance of
 *                                 {@link PathUtils}. Its default value is `pathUtils`.
 * @property {string} [home]       The path to the new home location.
 * @parent module:node/pathUtils

 * A utility services to manage paths on a project. It allows for path building relatives
 * to the project root or from where the app executable is located.
 * @parent module:node/pathUtils
 * @tutorial pathUtils
class PathUtils {
   * @param {string} [home='']  The location of the project's `home`(root) directory. By
   *                            default it uses `process.cwd()`.
  constructor(home = '') {
     * The root path from where the app is being executed.
     * @type {string}
     * @access protected
     * @ignore
    this._path = process.cwd();
     * A dictionary of different path locations.
     * @type {Object.<string, string>}
     * @access protected
     * @ignore
    this._locations = {};

    this.addLocation('home', home || this.path);
   * Adds a new location.
   * @param {string} name          The reference name.
   * @param {string} locationPath  The path of the location. It must be inside the path
   *                               from the app is being executed.
  addLocation(name, locationPath) {
    let location = locationPath;
     * If it doesn't starts with the root location, then prefix it with it. The project should
     * never attempt to access a location outside its directory.
    if (location !== this.path && !location.startsWith(this.path)) {
      location = path.join(this.path, location);
    // Fix it so all the locations will end with a separator.
    if (!location.endsWith(path.sep)) {
      location = `${location}${path.sep}`;
    // Add it to the dictionary.
    this.locations[name] = location;
   * Gets a location path by its name.
   * @param {string} name  The location name.
   * @returns {string}
   * @throws {Error} If there location hasn't been added.
  getLocation(name) {
    const location = this.locations[name];
    if (!location) {
      throw new Error(`There's no location with the following name: ${name}`);

    return location;
   * Alias to `joinFrom` that uses the `home` location by default.
   * @param {...string} paths  The rest of the path components to join.
   * @returns {string}
  join(...paths) {
    return this.joinFrom('home', ...paths);
   * Builds a path using a location path as base.
   * @param {string}    location  The location name.
   * @param {...string} paths     The rest of the path components to join.
   * @returns {string}
  joinFrom(location, ...paths) {
    const locationPath = this.getLocation(location);
    return path.join(locationPath, ...paths);
   * The path to the directory where the app executable is located.
   * @type {string}
  get app() {
    return this.getLocation('app');
   * The project root path.
   * @type {string}
  get home() {
    return this.getLocation('home');
   * A dictionary of different path locations.
   * @type {Object.<string, string>}
   * @access protected
   * @ignore
  get locations() {
    return this._locations;
   * The root path from where the app is being executed.
   * @type {string}
   * @access protected
   * @ignore
  get path() {
    return this._path;
   * Finds and register the location for the app executable directory.
   * @access protected
   * @ignore
  _addAppLocation() {
    let current = module;
    while (current.parent && current.parent.filename !== current.filename) {
      current = current.parent;

    this.addLocation('app', path.dirname(current.filename));

 * The service provider to register an instance of {@link PathUtils} on the container.
 * @type {ProviderCreator<PathUtilsProviderOptions>}
 * @tutorial pathUtils
const pathUtils = providerCreator((options = {}) => (app) => {
  app.set(options.serviceName || 'pathUtils', () => new PathUtils(options.home));

module.exports.PathUtils = PathUtils;
module.exports.pathUtils = pathUtils;