
const colors = require('colors/safe');
const { providerCreator } = require('../shared/jimpleFns');
const { deepAssign } = require('../shared/deepAssign');
 * @module node/logger

 * @typedef {import('../shared/jimpleFns').ProviderCreator<O>} ProviderCreator
 * @template O

 * @typedef {Object} PackageInfo
 * @property {string} [nameForCLI]  A specific name to use on the logger; it overwrites
 *                                  `name`.
 * @property {string} name          The package name.

 * @typedef {Object} AppLoggerServiceMap
 * @property {string | PackageInfo} [packageInfo]  The name of the service that containers
 *                                                 the information of the `package.json`.
 *                                                 `packageInfo` by default.
 * @parent module:node/logger

 * @typedef {Object} AppLoggerProviderOptions
 * @property {string}              serviceName  The name that will be used to register an
 *                                              instance of {@link Logger} with the
 *                                              package name as prefix. Its default value
 *                                              is `appLogger`.
 * @property {AppLoggerServiceMap} services     A dictionary with the services that need
 *                                              to be injected.
 * @property {boolean}             [showTime]   Whether or not to show the time on each
 *                                              message.
 * @parent module:node/logger

 * @typedef {Object} LoggerProviderOptions
 * @property {string}  serviceName       The name that will be used to register an
 *                                       instance of {@link Logger}. Its default value is
 *                                       `logger`.
 * @property {string}  [messagesPrefix]  A prefix to include in front of all the messages.
 * @property {boolean} [showTime]        Whether or not to show the time on each message.
 * @parent module:node/logger

 * This can be either a message to log, or an array where the first item is the message
 * and the second one is the color it should be used to log it.
 * @typedef {string | string[]} LoggerLine
 * @example
 *   logger.log('hello world');
 *   // It will log 'hello world' with the default color.
 *   logger.log(['hello world', 'red']);
 *   // It will log 'hello world' in red.
 * @parent module:node/logger

 * @typedef {string | LoggerLine[]} LoggerMessage
 * @parent module:node/logger

 * A utility service to log messages on the console.
 * @parent module:node/logger
 * @tutorial logger
class Logger {
   * @param {string}  [messagesPrefix='']  A prefix to include in front of all the
   *                                       messages.
   * @param {boolean} [showTime=false]     Whether or not to show the time on each
   *                                       message.
  constructor(messagesPrefix = '', showTime = false) {
     * The prefix to include in front of all the messages.
     * @type {string}
     * @access protected
     * @ignore
    this._messagesPrefix = messagesPrefix;
     * Whether or not to show the time on each message.
     * @type {boolean}
     * @access protected
     * @ignore
    this._showTime = showTime;
     * An alias for the {@link Logger#warning} method.
     * @type {Function}
     * @see {@link Logger#warning} .
    this.warn = this.warning.bind(this);
   * Logs an error (red) message or messages on the console.
   * @param {LoggerMessage | Error} message           A single message of a list of them.
   *                                                  See the `log()` documentation to see
   *                                                  all the supported properties for the
   *                                                  `message` parameter. Different from
   *                                                  the other log methods, you can use
   *                                                  an `Error` object and the method
   *                                                  will take care of extracting the
   *                                                  message and the stack information.
   * @param {Object}                [exception=null]  If the exception has a `stack`
   *                                                  property, the method will log each
   *                                                  of the stack calls using `info()`.
  error(message, exception = null) {
    if (message instanceof Error) {
      this.error(message.message, message);
    } else {
      this.log(message, 'red');
      if (exception) {
        if (exception.stack) {
          const stack = exception.stack.split('\n').map((line) => line.trim());

          stack.splice(0, 1);
        } else {
   * Logs an information (gray) message or messages on the console.
   * @param {LoggerMessage} message  A single message of a list of them.
   * @see {@link Logger#log} .
  info(message) {
    this.log(message, 'grey');
   * Logs a message with an specific color on the console.
   * @param {LoggerMessage} message        A text message to log or a list of them.
   * @param {string}        [color='raw']  Optional. The color of the message (the default
   *                                       is the terminal default). This can be
   *                                       overwritten line by line when the message is an
   *                                       array, take a look at the example.
   * @example
   *   // Simple
   *   CLILogger.log('hello world');
   *   // Custom color
   *   CLILogger.log('It was the shadow who did it', 'red');
   *   // A list of messages all the same color
   *   CLILogger.log(["Ph'nglu", "mglw'nafh"], 'grey');
   *   // A list of messages with different colors per line
   *   CLILogger.log(
   *     [
   *       "Ph'nglu",
   *       "mglw'nafh",
   *       ['Cthulhu', 'green'],
   *       ["R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn", 'red'],
   *     ],
   *     'grey',
   *   );
  log(message, color = 'raw') {
    const lines = [];
    if (Array.isArray(message)) {
      message.forEach((line) => {
        if (Array.isArray(line)) {
        } else {
    } else {

    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    lines.forEach((line) => console.log(line));
   * Prefixes a message with the text sent to the constructor and, if enabled, the current
   * time.
   * @param {string} text  The text that needs the prefix.
   * @returns {string}
  prefix(text) {
    // Define the list of things that will compose the formatted text.
    const parts = [];
    // If a prefix was set on the constructor...
    if (this.messagesPrefix) {
      // ...add it as first element.
    // If the `showTime` setting is enabled...
    if (this.showTime) {
      // ...add the current time to the list.
      const time = new Date().toISOString().replace(/T/, ' ').replace(/\..+/, '');

    // Add the original text.
    // Join the list into a single text message.
    return parts.join(' ').trim();
   * Logs a success (green) message or messages on the console.
   * @param {LoggerMessage} message  A single message of a list of them.
   * @see {@link Logger#log} .
  success(message) {
    this.log(message, 'green');
   * Logs a warning (yellow) message or messages on the console.
   * @param {LoggerMessage} message  A single message of a list of them.
   * @see {@link Logger#log} .
  warning(message) {
    this.log(message, 'yellow');
   * The prefix to include in front of all the messages.
   * @type {string}
  get messagesPrefix() {
    return this._messagesPrefix;
   * Whether or not to show the time on each message.
   * @type {boolean}
  get showTime() {
    return this._showTime;
   * Gets a function to modify the color of a string. The reason for this _"proxy method"_
   * is that the `colors` module doesn't have a `raw` option and the alternative would've
   * been adding a few `if`s on the `log` method.
   * @param {string} name  The name of the color.
   * @returns {Function} A function that receives a string and returns it colored.
   * @access protected
   * @ignore
  _color(name) {
    return name === 'raw' ? (str) => str : colors[name];
 * The service provider to register an instance of {@link Logger} on the container.
 * @type {ProviderCreator<LoggerProviderOptions>}
 * @tutorial logger
const logger = providerCreator((options = {}) => (app) => {
    options.serviceName || 'logger',
    () => new Logger(options.messagesPrefix, options.showTime),
 * The service provider to register an instance of {@link Logger} with the package name as
 * messages prefix on the container.
 * @type {ProviderCreator<AppLoggerProviderOptions>}
 * @tutorial logger
const appLogger = providerCreator((options = {}) => (app) => {
  app.set(options.serviceName || 'appLogger', () => {
     * @type {AppLoggerProviderOptions}
     * @ignore
    const useOptions = deepAssign(
        services: {
          packageInfo: 'packageInfo',

    const { packageInfo } =;
     * @type {PackageInfo}
     * @ignore
    const usePackageInfo =
      typeof packageInfo === 'string' ? app.get(packageInfo) : packageInfo;
    const prefix = usePackageInfo.nameForCLI ||;

    return new Logger(prefix, useOptions.showTime);

module.exports.Logger = Logger;
module.exports.logger = logger;
module.exports.appLogger = appLogger;