
const { providerCreator } = require('../shared/jimpleFns');
const { deepAssignWithShallowMerge } = require('../shared/deepAssign');
 * @module node/errorHandler

 * @typedef {import('./logger').Logger} Logger

 * @typedef {import('../shared/jimpleFns').ProviderCreator<O>} ProviderCreator
 * @template O

 * @typedef {Object} ErrorHandlerServiceMap
 * @property {string[] | string | Logger} [logger]  A list of loggers' service names from
 *                                                  which the service will try to find the
 *                                                  first available,
 *                                                  a specific service name, or an
 *                                                  instance of {@link Logger}.
 * @parent module:node/errorHandler

 * @typedef {Object} ErrorHandlerProviderOptions
 * @property {string}                 serviceName  The name that will be used to register
 *                                                 an instance of {@link ErrorHandler}.
 *                                                 Its default value is `errorHandler`.
 * @property {boolean}                exitOnError  Whether or not to exit the process
 *                                                 after receiving an error.
 * @property {ErrorHandlerServiceMap} services     A dictionary with the services that
 *                                                 need to be injected on the class.
 * @parent module:node/errorHandler

 * An error handler that captures uncaught exceptions and unhandled rejections in order to
 * log them with detail.
 * @parent module:node/errorHandler
 * @tutorial errorHandler
class ErrorHandler {
   * @param {Logger}  appLogger           To log the detail of the erros.
   * @param {boolean} [exitOnError=true]  Whether or not to exit the process after
   *                                      receiving an error.
  constructor(appLogger, exitOnError = true) {
     * A local reference for the `appLogger` service.
     * @type {Logger}
     * @access protected
     * @ignore
    this._appLogger = appLogger;
     * Whether or not to exit the process after receiving an error.
     * @type {boolean}
     * @access protected
     * @ignore
    this._exitOnError = exitOnError;
     * The list of events this handler will listen for in order to catch errors.
     * @type {string[]}
     * @access protected
     * @ignore
    this._eventsNames = ['uncaughtException', 'unhandledRejection'];
     * Bind the handler method so it can be used on the calls to `process`.
     * @ignore
    this.handler = this.handle.bind(this);
   * This is called by the process listeners when an uncaught exception is thrown or a
   * rejected promise is not handled. It logs the error on detail.
   * The process exits when after logging an error.
   * @param {Error} error  The unhandled error.
  handle(error) {
    // If the logger is configured to show the time...
    if (this._appLogger.showTime) {
      // ...just send the error.
    } else {
      // ...otherwise, get the time on a readable format.
      const time = new Date().toISOString().replace(/T/, ' ').replace(/\..+/, '');
      // Build the error message with the time.
      const message = `[${time}] ${error.message}`;
      // Log the new message with the exception.
      this._appLogger.error(message, error);

    // Check if it should exit the process.
    if (this._exitOnError) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-process-exit
   * Starts listening for unhandled errors.
  listen() {
    this._eventsNames.forEach((eventName) => {
      process.on(eventName, this.handler);
   * Stops listening for unhandled errors.
  stopListening() {
    this._eventsNames.forEach((eventName) => {
      process.removeListener(eventName, this.handler);
   * Whether or not the process will exit after receiving an error.
   * @type {boolean}
  get exitOnError() {
    return this._exitOnError;
 * The service provider to register an instance of {@link ErrorHandler} on the container.
 * @type {ProviderCreator<ErrorHandlerProviderOptions>}
 * @throws {Error}
 * If `services.logger` specifies a service that doesn't exist or if it's a falsy value.
 * @tutorial errorHandler
const errorHandler = providerCreator((options = {}) => (app) => {
  app.set(options.serviceName || 'errorHandler', () => {
     * @type {ErrorHandlerProviderOptions}
     * @ignore
    const useOptions = deepAssignWithShallowMerge(
        services: {
          logger: ['logger', 'appLogger'],

    const { logger } =;
     * @type {?Logger}
     * @ignore
    let useLogger;
    if (Array.isArray(logger)) {
      useLogger = logger.reduce((acc, name) => {
        let nextAcc;
        if (acc) {
          nextAcc = acc;
        } else {
          try {
            nextAcc = app.get(name);
          } catch (ignore) {
            nextAcc = null;

        return nextAcc;
      }, null);
    } else if (typeof logger === 'string') {
      useLogger = app.get(logger);
    } else {
      useLogger = logger;

    if (!useLogger) {
      throw new Error('No logger service was found');

    return new ErrorHandler(useLogger, useOptions.exitOnError);

module.exports.ErrorHandler = ErrorHandler;
module.exports.errorHandler = errorHandler;