
const {
} = require('../shared/deepAssign');
 * @module browser/simpleStorage

 * @callback SimpleStorageLoggerWarnFn
 * @param {string} message  The message to log the warning for.
 * @parent module:browser/simpleStorage

 * @typedef {Object} SimpleStorageLogger
 * @property {?SimpleStorageLoggerWarnFn} warn     Prints out a warning message. Either
 *                                                 this or `warning` MUST be present.
 * @property {?SimpleStorageLoggerWarnFn} warning  Prints out a warning message. Either
 *                                                 this or `warn` MUST be present.
 * @parent module:browser/simpleStorage

 * @typedef {'local' | 'session' | 'temp'} SimpleStorageStorageType
 * @enum {string}
 * @parent module:browser/simpleStorage

 * @typedef {Object} SimpleStorageStorageTypes
 * @property {SimpleStorageStorage} local    The methods to work with `localStorage`.
 * @property {SimpleStorageStorage} session  The methods to work with `sessionStorage`.
 * @property {SimpleStorageStorage} temp     The methods to work with the _"temp
 *                                           storage"_.
 * @parent module:browser/simpleStorage

 * @typedef {Object} SimpleStorageStorageOptions
 * @property {string} [name='simpleStorage']
 * A reference name for the storage.
 * @property {string} [key='simpleStorage']
 * The key the class will use to store the data on the storage.
 * @property {SimpleStorageStorageType[]} [typePriority=['local', 'session', 'temp']]
 * The priority list of types of storage the service will try to use when initialized.
 * @parent module:browser/simpleStorage

 * A utility type for all the differents dictionary {@link SimpleStorage} manages.
 * @typedef {Object.<string, any>} SimpleStorageDictionary
 * @parent module:browser/simpleStorage

 * @typedef {Object} SimpleStorageEntriesOptions
 * @property {boolean} [enabled=false]                 Whether or not to use the entries
 *                                                     functionality. Enabling it means
 *                                                     that all the _"xxxEntry"_ methods
 *                                                     will be available and that, when
 *                                                     deleted or resetted, the storage
 *                                                     will become an empty object.
 * @property {number}  [expiration=3600]               The amount of seconds relative to
 *                                                     the current time that needs to pass
 *                                                     in order to consider an entry
 *                                                     expired.
 * @property {boolean} [deleteExpired=true]            Whether or not to delete expired
 *                                                     entries (both when loading the
 *                                                     storage and when trying to access
 *                                                     the entries).
 * @property {boolean} [saveWhenDeletingExpired=true]  Whether or not to sync the storage
 *                                                     after deleting an expired entry.
 * @parent module:browser/simpleStorage

 * @typedef {Object} SimpleStorageOptions
 * @property {boolean} [initialize=true]
 * Whether or not to initialize the service right from the constructor.
 * It means that it will validate the storage, check for existing data and sync it on the
 * class. This can be disabled in case you need to do something between the constructor
 * and the initialization.
 * @property {Window} [window]
 * The `window`/`global` object the class will use in order to access `localStorage` and
 * `sessionStorage`.
 * @property {?SimpleStorageLogger} [logger]
 * A custom logger to print out the warnings when the class needs to do a fallback to a
 * different storage type.
 * @property {SimpleStorageStorageOptions} [storage]
 * These are all the options related to the storage itself: The type, the name and the
 * key.
 * @property {SimpleStorageEntriesOptions} [entries]
 * These are the options for customizing the way the service works with entries. By
 * default, the class saves any kind of object on the storage,
 * but by using entries you can access them by name and even define expiration time so
 * they'll be removed after a while.
 * @property {SimpleStorageDictionary} [tempStorage={}]
 * The `tempStorage` is the storage the class uses when none of the others are available.
 * Is just a simple object, so when the class gets destroyed (browser refreshes the page),
 * the data goes away.
 * @parent module:browser/simpleStorage

 * @callback SimpleStorageStorageAvailableMethod
 * @param {string} [fallbackFrom]  If the storage is being used as a fallback from another
 *                                 one that is not available, this parameter will have its
 *                                 name.
 * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the storage is available.
 * @parent module:browser/simpleStorage

 * @callback SimpleStorageStorageGetMethod
 * @param {string} key  The key used by the class to save data on the storage.
 * @returns {SimpleStorageDictionary} The contents from the storage.
 * @parent module:browser/simpleStorage

 * @callback SimpleStorageStorageSetMethod
 * @param {string} key    The key used by the class to save data on the storage.
 * @param {Object} value  The data to save on the storage.
 * @parent module:browser/simpleStorage

 * @callback SimpleStorageStorageDeleteMethod
 * @param {string} key  The key used by the class to save data on the storage.
 * @parent module:browser/simpleStorage

 * @typedef {Object} SimpleStorageStorage
 * @property {string} name
 * The name of the storage.
 * @property {SimpleStorageStorageAvailableMethod} isAvailable
 * The method to check if the storage can be used or not.
 * @property {SimpleStorageStorageGetMethod} get
 * The method used to read from the storage.
 * @property {SimpleStorageStorageSetMethod} set
 * The method used to write on the storage.
 * @property {SimpleStorageStorageDeleteMethod} delete
 * The method used to delete data from the storage.
 * @parent module:browser/simpleStorage

 * @typedef {Object} SimpleStorageEntry
 * @property {number} time   The timestamp of when the entry was first created.
 * @property {Object} value  The actual data for the entry.
 * @parent module:browser/simpleStorage

 * An abstract class allows you to build services that relay on browser storage
 * (session/local)
 * and simplifies the way you work it You can specify the storage type you want to use,
 * the format in which you want to handle the data and even expiration time for it.
 * @abstract
 * @parent module:browser/simpleStorage
 * @tutorial simpleStorage
class SimpleStorage {
   * @param {Partial<SimpleStorageOptions>} [options={}]
   * The options to customize the class.
   * @throws {Error}
   * If instantiated without extending it.
  constructor(options = {}) {
    // Validate that it's being extended.
    if ( === SimpleStorage) {
      throw new TypeError(
        "SimpleStorage is an abstract class, it can't be instantiated directly",
     * These are the options/settings the class uses in order to work the with the storage
     * and the data.
     * @type {SimpleStorageOptions}
     * @access protected
    this._options = this._mergeOptions(
        initialize: true,
        storage: {
          name: 'simpleStorage',
          key: 'simpleStorage',
          typePriority: ['local', 'session', 'temp'],
        entries: {
          enabled: false,
          expiration: 3600,
          deleteExpired: true,
          saveWhenDeletingExpired: true,
        logger: null,
        tempStorage: {},
     * A dictionary with the storage types the class supports.
     * @type {SimpleStorageStorageTypes}
     * @access protected
    this._storageTypes = {
      local: {
        name: 'localStorage',
        isAvailable: this._isLocalStorageAvailable.bind(this),
        get: this._getFromLocalStorage.bind(this),
        set: this._setOnLocalStorage.bind(this),
        delete: this._deleteFromLocalStorage.bind(this),
      session: {
        name: 'sessionStorage',
        isAvailable: this._isSessionStorageAvailable.bind(this),
        get: this._getFromSessionStorage.bind(this),
        set: this._setOnSessionStorage.bind(this),
        delete: this._deleteFromSessionStorage.bind(this),
      temp: {
        name: 'tempStorage',
        isAvailable: this._isTempStorageAvailable.bind(this),
        get: this._getFromTempStorage.bind(this),
        set: this._setOnTempStorage.bind(this),
        delete: this._deleteFromTempStorage.bind(this),
     * Once the class is initialized, this property will hold a reference to the
     * {@link SimpleStorageStorage} being used.
     * @type {?SimpleStorageStorage}
     * @access protected
    this._storage = null;
     * This is the object/dictionary the class will use to sync the content of the
     * storage. That way you won't need to write/read/parse from the storage every time
     * you need to do something.
     * @type {SimpleStorageDictionary}
     * @access protected
    this._data = {};
    // Initialize the class if necessary.
    if (this._options.initialize) {
   * Adds a new entry to the class data, and if `save` is used, saves it into the storage.
   * @param {string}           key          The entry key.
   * @param {Object | Promise} value        The entry value, or a {@link Promise} that
   *                                        resolves into the value.
   * @param {boolean}          [save=true]  Whether or not the class should save the data
   *                                        into the storage.
   * @returns {Object | Promise} If `value` is an {@link Object}, it will return the same
   *                             object; but if `value` is a {@link Promise}, it will
   *                             return the _"promise chain"_.
   * @access protected
  _addEntry(key, value, save = true) {
    return this._isPromise(value)
      ? value.then((realValue) => this._addResolvedEntry(key, realValue, save))
      : this._addResolvedEntry(key, value, save);
   * This is the real method behind `_addEntry`. It Adds a new entry to the class data
   * and, if `save` is used, it also saves it into the storage.
   * The reason that there are two methods for this is, is because `_addEntry` can receive
   * a {@link Promise}, and in that case, this method gets called after it gets resolved.
   * @param {string}  key    The entry key.
   * @param {Object}  value  The entry value.
   * @param {boolean} save   Whether or not the class should save the data into the
   *                         storage.
   * @returns {Object} The same data that was saved.
   * @access protected
  _addResolvedEntry(key, value, save) {
    this._data[key] = {
      time: this._now(),
      value: deepAssignWithShallowMerge(value),

    if (save) {

    return value;
   * Deletes the class data from the storage.
   * @param {boolean} [reset=true]  Whether or not to reset the data to the initial data
   *                                (`_getInitialData`), if entries area disabled, or to
   *                                an empty object, if they are enabled.
   * @access protected
  _delete(reset = true) {
    if (reset) {
      this._setData(this._getInitialData(), false);
    } else {
      this._setData({}, false);
   * Deletes an entry from the class data, and if `save` is used, the changes will be
   * saved on the storage.
   * @param {string}  key          The entry key.
   * @param {boolean} [save=true]  Whether or not the class should save the data into the
   *                               storage after deleting the entry.
   * @returns {boolean} Whether or not the entry was deleted.
   * @access protected
  _deleteEntry(key, save = true) {
    const exists = this._hasEntry(key);
    if (exists) {
      delete this._data[key];
      if (save) {

    return exists;
   * Filters out a dictionary of entries by checking if they expired or not.
   * @param {Object} entries     A dictionary of key-value, where the value is a
   *                             {@link SimpleStorageEntry}.
   * @param {number} expiration  The amount of seconds that need to have passed in order
   *                             to consider an entry expired.
   * @returns {Object} A new dictionary without the expired entries.
   * @access protected
  _deleteExpiredEntries(entries, expiration) {
    const result = {};
    const now = this._now();
    Object.keys(entries).forEach((key) => {
      const entry = entries[key];
      if (now - entry.time < expiration) {
        result[key] = entry;

    return result;
   * Deletes an object from the `localStorage`.
   * @param {string} key  The object key.
   * @access protected
  _deleteFromLocalStorage(key) {
    delete this._options.window.localStorage[key];
   * Deletes an object from the `sessionStorage`.
   * @param {string} key  The object key.
   * @access protected
  _deleteFromSessionStorage(key) {
    delete this._options.window.sessionStorage[key];
   * Deletes an object from the _"temp storage"_.
   * @param {string} key  The object key.
   * @access protected
  _deleteFromTempStorage(key) {
    delete this._options.tempStorage[key];
   * Gets the data the class saves on the storage.
   * @returns {Object}
   * @access protected
  _getData() {
    return this._data;
   * Gets an entry from the storage dictionary.
   * @param {string} key  The entry key.
   * @returns {?SimpleStorageEntry} Whatever is on the storage, or `null`.
   * @throws {Error} If entries are not enabled.
   * @access protected
  _getEntry(key) {
    const { entries } = this._options;
    // Validate if the feature is enabled and fail with an error if it isn't.
    if (!entries.enabled) {
      throw new Error('Entries are not enabled for this storage');
    // Get the entry from the data reference.
    let entry = this._data[key];
    // If an entry was found and the setting to delete entries when expired is enabled...
    if (entry && entries.deleteExpired) {
      // ...validate if the entry is expired.
      ({ entry } = this._deleteExpiredEntries({ entry }, entries.expiration));
      // ... and if the entry is expired, delete it.
      if (!entry) {
        this._deleteEntry(key, entries.saveWhenDeletingExpired);
    // Return either the entry it found or `null`.
    return entry || null;
   * Gets the value of an entry.
   * @param {string} key  The entry key.
   * @returns {?SimpleStorageDictionary}
   * @access protected
  _getEntryValue(key) {
    const entry = this._getEntry(key);
    return entry ? entry.value : entry;
   * Gets an object from `localStorage`.
   * @param {string} key  The key used to save the object.
   * @returns {?SimpleStorageDictionary}
   * @access protected
  _getFromLocalStorage(key) {
    const value = this._options.window.localStorage[key];
    return value ? JSON.parse(value) : null;
   * Gets an object from `sessionStorage`.
   * @param {string} key  The key used to save the object.
   * @returns {?SimpleStorageDictionary}
   * @access protected
  _getFromSessionStorage(key) {
    const value = this._options.window.sessionStorage[key];
    return value ? JSON.parse(value) : null;
   * Gets an object from the _"temp storage"_.
   * @param {string} key  The key used to save the object.
   * @returns {?SimpleStorageDictionary}
   * @access protected
  _getFromTempStorage(key) {
    return this._options.tempStorage[key];
   * This method is called when the storage is deleted or resetted and if entries are
   * disabled.
   * It can be used to define the initial value of the data the class saves on the
   * storage.
   * @returns {SimpleStorageDictionary}
   * @access protected
  _getInitialData() {
    return {};
   * Checks whether an entry exists or not.
   * @param {string} key  The entry key.
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @access protected
  _hasEntry(key) {
    return !!this._data[key];
   * This method _"initializes" the class by validating custom options, loading the
   * reference for the required storage and synchronizing the data with the storage.
   * @access protected
  _initialize() {
    this._storage = this._initializeStorage();
    this._data = this._initializeStorageData();
   * This method checks the list of priorities from the `storage.typePriority` option and
   * tries to find the first available storage.
   * @returns {SimpleStorageStorage}
   * @throws {Error} If none of the storage options are available.
   * @access protected
  _initializeStorage() {
    let previousType;
    const found =
      .filter((storageType) => !!this._storageTypes[storageType])
      .find((storageType) => {
        const storage = this._storageTypes[storageType];
        const fallbackFrom = previousType ? : '';
        previousType = storage;
        return storage.isAvailable(fallbackFrom);

    if (!found) {
      throw new Error('None of the specified storage types are available');

    return this._storageTypes[found];
   * Initializes the data on the class and if needed, on the storage. It first tries to
   * load existing data from the storage, if there's nothing, it just sets an initial
   * stage; but if there was something on the storage, and entries are enabled, it will
   * try (if also enabled)
   * to delete expired entries.
   * @returns {Object}
   * @access protected
  _initializeStorageData() {
    const { storage, entries } = this._options;
    let data = this._storage.get(storage.key) || null;
    if (data && entries.enabled && entries.deleteExpired) {
      data = this._deleteExpiredEntries(data, entries.expiration);
    } else if (!data) {
      data = entries.enabled ? {} : this._getInitialData();
      this._storage.set(storage.key, data);

    return data;
   * Checks whether `localStorage` is available or not.
   * @param {string} [fallbackFrom]  In case it's being used as a fallback, this will be
   *                                 the name of the storage that wasn't available.
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @access protected
  _isLocalStorageAvailable(fallbackFrom) {
    if (fallbackFrom) {
      this._warnStorageFallback(fallbackFrom, 'localStorage');

    return !!this._options.window.localStorage;
   * Checks whether an object is a Promise or not.
   * @param {*} obj  The object to test.
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @access protected
  _isPromise(obj) {
    return (
      typeof obj === 'object' &&
      typeof obj.then === 'function' &&
      typeof obj.catch === 'function'
   * Checks whether `sessionStorage` is available or not.
   * @param {string} [fallbackFrom]  In case it's being used as a fallback, this will be
   *                                 the name of the storage that wasn't available.
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @access protected
  _isSessionStorageAvailable(fallbackFrom) {
    if (fallbackFrom) {
      this._warnStorageFallback(fallbackFrom, 'sessionStorage');

    return !!this._options.window.sessionStorage;
   * This method is just here to comply with the {@link SimpleStorageStorage}
   * _"interface"_ as the temp storage is always available.
   * @param {string} [fallbackFrom]  In case it's being used as a fallback, this will be
   *                                 the name of the storage that wasn't available.
   * @returns {boolean}
   * @access protected
  _isTempStorageAvailable(fallbackFrom) {
    if (fallbackFrom) {
      this._warnStorageFallback(fallbackFrom, 'tempStorage');

    return true;
   * Merges the class default options with the custom ones that can be sent to the
   * constructor.
   * The reason there's a method for this is because of a specific (edgy) use case:
   * `tempStorage`
   * can be a Proxy, and a Proxy without defined keys stops working after an
   * `Object.assign`/spread.
   * @param {SimpleStorageOptions} defaults  The class default options.
   * @param {SimpleStorageOptions} custom    The custom options sent to the constructor.
   * @returns {SimpleStorageOptions}
   * @access protected
  _mergeOptions(defaults, custom) {
    const { tempStorage } = custom;
    const options = deepAssignWithOverwrite(defaults, custom);
    if (tempStorage) {
      options.tempStorage = tempStorage;

    return options;
   * Helper method to get the current timestamp in seconds.
   * @returns {number}
   * @access protected
  _now() {
    return Math.floor( / 1000);
   * Resets the data on the class; If entries are enabled, the data will become an empty
   * {@link object}; otherwise, it will call {@link this#_getInitialData}.
   * @param {boolean} [save=true]  Whether or not the class should save the data into the
   *                               storage.
   * @returns {Object}
   * @access protected
  _resetData(save = true) {
    const data = this._options.entries.enabled ? {} : this._getInitialData();
    return this._setData(data, save);
   * Saves the data from the class into the storage.
   * @access protected
  _save() {
    this._storage.set(, this._data);
   * Overwrites the data reference the class has and, if `save` is used, it also saves it
   * into the storage.
   * @param {Object | Promise} data         The new data, or a {@link Promise} that
   *                                        resolves into the new data.
   * @param {boolean}          [save=true]  Whether or not the class should save the data
   *                                        into the storage.
   * @returns {Object | Promise} If `data` is an {@link object}, it will return the same
   *                             object; but if `data` is a {@link Promise}, it will
   *                             return the _"promise chain"_.
   * @access protected
  _setData(data, save = true) {
    return this._isPromise(data)
      ? data.then((realData) => this._setResolvedData(realData, save))
      : this._setResolvedData(data, save);
   * Sets an object into the `localStorage`.
   * @param {string} key    The object key.
   * @param {Object} value  The object to save.
   * @access protected
  _setOnLocalStorage(key, value) {
    this._options.window.localStorage[key] = JSON.stringify(value);
   * Sets an object into the `sessionStorage`.
   * @param {string} key    The object key.
   * @param {Object} value  The object to save.
   * @access protected
  _setOnSessionStorage(key, value) {
    this._options.window.sessionStorage[key] = JSON.stringify(value);
   * Sets an object into the _"temp storage"_.
   * @param {string} key    The object key.
   * @param {Object} value  The object to save.
   * @access protected
  _setOnTempStorage(key, value) {
    this._options.tempStorage[key] = value;
   * This is the real method behind `_setData`. It overwrites the data reference the class
   * has and, if `save` is used, it also saves it into the storage.
   * The reason that there are two methods for this is, is because `_setData` can receive
   * a {@link Promise}, and in that case, this method gets called after it gets resolved.
   * @param {Object}  data  The new data.
   * @param {boolean} save  Whether or not the class should save the data into the
   *                        storage.
   * @returns {Object} The same data that was saved.
   * @access protected
  _setResolvedData(data, save) {
    this._data = deepAssignWithShallowMerge(data);
    if (save) {

    return data;
   * Validates the class options before loading the storage and the data.
   * @throws {Error} If either `` or `storage.key` are missing from the
   *                 options.
   * @throws {Error} If the options have a custom logger but it doesn't have `warn` nor
   *                 `warning`
   *                 methods.
   * @access protected
  _validateOptions() {
    const { storage, logger } = this._options;

    const missing = ['name', 'key'].find((key) => typeof storage[key] !== 'string');
    if (missing) {
      throw new Error(`Missing required configuration setting: ${missing}`);

    if (
      logger &&
      typeof logger.warn !== 'function' &&
      typeof logger.warning !== 'function'
    ) {
      throw new Error('The logger must implement a `warn` or `warning` method');
   * Prints out a warning message. The method will first check if there's a custom logger
   * (from the class options), otherwise, it will fallback to the `console` on the
   * `window` option.
   * @param {string} message  The message to print out.
   * @access protected
  _warn(message) {
    const { logger } = this._options;
    if (logger) {
      if (logger.warning) {
      } else {
    } else {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
   * Prints out a message saying that the class is doing a fallback from a storage to
   * another one.
   * @param {string} from  The name of the storage that's not available.
   * @param {string} to    The name of the storage that will be used instead.
   * @access protected
  _warnStorageFallback(from, to) {
    this._warn(`${from} is not available; switching to ${to}`);

module.exports = SimpleStorage;