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const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const { provider } = require('jimple');
 * This service allows the validation of a {@link BrowserTarget} `html.template` file and it also
 * takes care of generating a _"default template"_ if the one on the target settings doesn't exist.
class TargetsHTML {
   * Class constructor.
   * @param {Events}    events    To reduce the settings and the template of the generated HTML
   *                              files.
   * @param {TempFiles} tempFiles To save a generated HTML file on the temp directory.
  constructor(events, tempFiles) {
     * A local reference for the `events` service.
     * @type {Events}
    this.events = events;
     * A local reference for the `tempFiles` service.
     * @type {TempFiles}
    this.tempFiles = tempFiles;
     * Bind the method so it can be registered as the service itself.
     * @ignore
    this.getFilepath = this.getFilepath.bind(this);
   * Validate if a target HTML template exists or not.
   * @param {Target} target The target information.
   * @return {Object}
   * @property {string}  path   The absolute path to the HTML template.
   * @property {boolean} exists Whether or notthe HTML template exists.
  validate(target) {
    const htmlPath = path.join(target.paths.source, target.html.template);
    return {
      path: htmlPath,
      exists: fs.pathExistsSync(htmlPath),
   * Given a target, this method will validate if the target has an HTML template file and return
   * its absolute path; if the file doesn't exists, it will generate a new one, save it on the
   * temp directory and return its path.
   * @param {Target}  target                   The target information.
   * @param {boolean} [force=false]            Optional. If this is `true`, the file will be
   *                                           created anyways.
   * @param {string}  [buildType='production'] Optional. If the HTML is for an specific type of
   *                                           build. This may be useful for plugins.
   * @return {string}
  getFilepath(target, force = false, buildType = 'production') {
    const validation = this.validate(target);
    return validation.exists && !force ? validation.path : this._generateHTML(target, buildType);
   * This method generates a default HTML file template for a target, saves it on the temp
   * directory and returns its path.
   * This method emits two reducer events:
   * - `target-default-html-settings`: It receives a {@link TargetDefaultHTMLSettings}, the target
   *  information and it expects another {@link TargetDefaultHTMLSettings} in return.
   * - `target-default-html`: It receives the HTML code for the file, the target information and
   *  it expects a new HTML code in return.
   * @param {Target} target    The target information.
   * @param {string} buildType The type of build for which the HTML is for.
   * @return {string}
   * @throws {Error} If the file couldn't be saved on the temp directory.
   * @ignore
   * @access protected
  _generateHTML(target, buildType) {
    // Reduce the settings for the template.
    const info = this.events.reduce(
        title: target.name,
        bodyAttributes: '',
        bodyContents: '<div id="app"></div>',
    // Normalize the body attributes to avoid unnecessary spaces on the tag.
    const bodyAttrs = info.bodyAttributes ? ` ${info.bodyAttributes}` : '';
    // Generate the HTML code.
    const htmlTpl = [
      '<!doctype html>',
      '<html lang="en">',
      ' <meta charset="utf-8" />',
      ' <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="ie=edge" />',
      ' <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />',
      ` <title>${info.title}</title>`,
      ` ${info.bodyContents}`,
    // Reduce the HTML code.
    const html = this.events.reduce('target-default-html', htmlTpl, target);
    // Normalize the target name to avoid issues with packages with scope.
    const filename = target.name.replace(/\//g, '-');
    // Write the file on the temp directory.
    return this.tempFiles.writeSync(`${filename}.index.html`, html);
 * The service provider that once registered on the app container will create an instance of
 * `TargetsHTML` and set it as the `targetsHTML` service.
 * @example
 * // Register it on the container
 * container.register(targetsHTML);
 * // Getting access to the service function
 * const targetsHTML = container.get('targetsHTML');
 * @type {Provider}
const targetsHTML = provider((app) => {
  app.set('targetsHTML', () => new TargetsHTML(

module.exports = {