const ObjectUtils = require('wootils/shared/objectUtils');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const { provider } = require('jimple');
const CLISubCommand = require('../../../abstracts/cliSubCommand');
* This is a CLI generator that allows the user to create a configuration file with all the
* default settings and all the information projext assumes about the project.
* @extends {CLISubCommand}
class ProjectConfigurationFileGenerator extends CLISubCommand {
* Class constructor.
* @param {Logger} appLogger To inform the user when the file
* has been generated, or if something
* went wrong.
* @param {Prompt} appPrompt To ask the user the path to the
* file.
* @param {PathUtils} pathUtils To build the absolute path for the
* file.
* @param {ProjectConfigurationSettings} projectConfiguration To get all the settings that are
* going to go on the file.
* @param {Utils} utils To format some of the options
* into human readable descriptions.
constructor(appLogger, appPrompt, pathUtils, projectConfiguration, utils) {
* A local reference for the `appLogger` service.
* @type {Logger}
this.appLogger = appLogger;
* A local reference for the `appPrompt` service.
* @type {Prompt}
this.appPrompt = appPrompt;
* A local reference for the `pathUtils` service.
* @type {PathUtils}
this.pathUtils = pathUtils;
* All the project settings.
* @type {ProjectConfigurationSettings}
this.projectConfiguration = projectConfiguration;
* A local reference for the `utils` service.
* @type {Utils}
this.utils = utils;
* The resource type the user will have to select on the CLI command that manages the
* generator.
* @type {string}
*/ = 'config';
* A short description of what the generator does.
* @type {string}
this.description = 'Generate a configuration based on what projext knows of your project';
* A list with the names the configuration file can have and that projext supports.
* @type {Array}
* @ignore
* @access protected
this._nameOptions = [
'-a, --all',
'Save the file with all the project settings instead of just the targets',
'-i, --include',
'A list of directory-like paths of the specific settings you want to include. ' +
'To use without -all',
'-e, --exclude',
'A list of directory-like paths of the specific settings you want to exclude. ' +
'To use with -all',
* This method first prompts the user for the name of configuration file, it needs to be one
* supported by projext, after that, if the file already exists it asks for confirmation, and then
* it finally writes it.
* @param {Object} options A dictionary with the received options for the generator.
* @param {boolean} options.all Whether to save all the settings or just the targets.
* @param {?string} options.include A list of directory-like paths for specific settings to save.
* @param {?string} options.exclude A list of directory-like paths for specific settings to
* ignore.
* @return {Promise<undefined,Error>}
handle(options = {}) {
// Define the variable for the promise that will be returned.
let result;
// Define the variable for the object that will contain the settings to write.
let settings;
// Validate that the required settings exist.
try {
settings = options.all ?
this._getAllSettings(options.exclude) :
} catch (error) {
result = Promise.reject(error);
// Continue with the execution only if the wasn't an error obtaining the settings.
if (!result) {
// Get the first name option to use as default.
const [firstNameOption] = this._nameOptions;
* Format the list so it can be added as an error message in case the user selects an
* invalid name.
const nameOptionsStr = this.utils.humanReadableList( => `'${option}'`)
// Define the prompt schema.
const schema = {
filename: {
default: firstNameOption,
description: 'Filename',
message: `It can only be one of these: ${nameOptionsStr}`,
required: true,
// Validate that the selected name is supported by projext.
conform: (value) => this._nameOptions.includes(value.toLowerCase()),
// Always save the selected name on lower case.
before: (value) => value.toLowerCase(),
overwrite: {
type: 'boolean',
default: 'yes',
description: 'Overwrite existing file',
required: true,
// Only ask for an overwrite confirmation if the file already exists.
ask: () => {
const filename = this.appPrompt.getValue('filename');
return fs.pathExistsSync(this.pathUtils.join(filename));
let filepath;
let creating = false;
// Ask the user...
return this.appPrompt.ask(schema)
.then((results) => {
// Build the path to the file.
filepath = this.pathUtils.join(results.filename);
// Check if the file already exists.
const exists = fs.pathExistsSync(filepath);
let nextStep;
// If the file doesn't exist or if it exists but the user choose to overwrite it...
if (!exists || (exists && results.overwrite)) {
creating = true;
// ...write the file.
nextStep = this._writeSettings(filepath, settings);
return nextStep;
.then(() => {
// If the file was created, inform the user.
if (creating) {
this.appLogger.success(`The configuration file was successfully generted: ${filepath}`);
.catch((error) => {
let nextStep;
// If the process failed and it wasn't because the user canceled the input...
if (error.message !== 'canceled') {
// the error.
this.appLogger.error('There was an error while generating the configuration file');
nextStep = Promise.reject(error);
return nextStep;
return result;
* Get all the settings on the project configuration, with the possibility of excluding some
* of them.
* @param {string} [exclude=''] A list of comma separated paths for settings that should be
* excluded.
* For example: `'targetsTemplates/browser,copy,version'`.
* @return {Object}
* @ignore
* @access protected
_getAllSettings(exclude = '') {
return exclude
(obj, objPath) => (objPath ? ObjectUtils.delete(obj, objPath, '/', true, true) : obj),
* Get specific settings from the project configuration.
* @param {string} [settings='targets'] A list of comma separated paths for the required settings
* For example: `'targetsTemplates/browser,copy,version'`.
* @return {Object}
* @ignore
* @access protected
_getSettings(settings = 'targets') {
return settings
(obj, objPath) => {
const value = ObjectUtils.get(this.projectConfiguration, objPath, '/', true);
return ObjectUtils.set(obj, objPath, value, '/', true);
* Formats a settings dictionary in order to write it as a JS object on an specific file.
* @param {string} filepath The path to the file where the configuration should be written.
* @param {Object} settings The dictionary of settings to write on the file.
* @return {Promise<undefined,Error>}
* @private
* @access protected
_writeSettings(filepath, settings) {
// Convert the configuration into a string with proper indentation.
const jsonIndentation = 2;
const json = JSON.stringify(settings, undefined, jsonIndentation)
// Escape single quotes.
.replace(/'/g, '\\\'')
// Replace double quotes with single quotes.
.replace(/"/g, '\'')
// Remove single quotes from keys.
.replace(/^(\s+)?(')(\w+)('): /mg, '$1$3: ')
* Add trailing commas. The reason the regex is executed twice is because matches can't
* intersect other matches, and since the regex uses a closing symbol as delimiter, that same
* delimiter can't be fixed unless we run the regex again.
.replace(/([\]|}|\w|'])(\n(?:\s+)?[}|\]])/g, '$1,$2')
.replace(/([\]|}])(\n(?:\s+)?[}|\]])/g, '$1,$2');
const template = `module.exports = ${json};\n`;
return fs.writeFile(filepath, template);
* The service provider that once registered on the app container will set an instance of
* `ProjectConfigurationFileGenerator` as the `projectConfigurationFileGenerator` service.
* @example
* // Register it on the container
* container.register(projectConfigurationFileGenerator);
* // Getting access to the service instance
* const projectConfigurationFileGenerator = container.get('projectConfigurationFileGenerator');
* @type {Provider}
const projectConfigurationFileGenerator = provider((app) => {
app.set('projectConfigurationFileGenerator', () => new ProjectConfigurationFileGenerator(
module.exports = {