const extend = require('extend');
const opener = require('opener');
const ProjextWebpackUtils = require('../utils');
* This is a webpack plugin that works as a tiny helper for the dev server: It logs clear messages
* when the bundle isbeing created, when it's available, in which URL and it even opens the
* browser.
* The reason it was created was because the dev server log messages are hard to find and,
* depending on the settings, when the dev server opens the browser, you can end up on
* `/webpack-dev-server`.
class ProjextWebpackOpenDevServer {
* @param {string} url The dev server URL.
* @param {ProjextWebpackOpenDevServerOptions} [options={}] Settings to customize the plugin
* behaviour.
* @throws {Error} If `url` is not specified or if isn't a `string`.
constructor(url, options = {}) {
* The plugin options.
* @type {ProjextWebpackOpenDevServerOptions}
* @access protected
* @ignore
this._options = extend(
openBrowser: true,
name: 'projext-webpack-plugin-open-dev-server',
logger: null,
// Validate the recevied URL.
if (!url || typeof url !== 'string') {
throw new Error(`${}: You need to specify a valid URL`);
* The dev server URL.
* @type {string}
this._url = url;
* A logger to output the plugin's information messages.
* @type {Logger}
* @access protected
* @ignore
this._logger = ProjextWebpackUtils.createLogger(, this._options.logger);
* This flag is used to check if the browser was already open once. The method that opens the
* browser is called every time the bundle is ready, which means every time it changes, but the
* plugin will only open the browser the first time.
* @type {boolean}
* @access protected
* @ignore
this._browserAlreadyOpen = false;
* Gets the plugin options.
* @return {ProjextWebpackOpenDevServerOptions}
getOptions() {
return this._options;
* Gets the dev server URL.
* @return {string}
getURL() {
return this._url;
* This is called by webpack when the plugin is being processed. The method takes care of adding
* the required listener to the webpack hooks in order to log the information messages and
* open the browser..
* @param {Object} compiler The compiler information provided by webpack.
apply(compiler) {
const { name } = this._options;
compiler.hooks.compile.tap(name, this._onCompilationStarts.bind(this));
compiler.hooks.done.tap(name, this._onCompilationEnds.bind(this));
* This is called by webpack when it starts compiling the bundle. This method just logs a
* message with the server URL and that the user should wait for webpack to finish.
* @access protected
* @ignore
_onCompilationStarts() {
this._logger.warning(`Starting on ${this._url}`);
this._logger.warning('waiting for webpack...');
* This is called by webpack when it finishes compiling the bundle. It opens the browser, if
* specified, and logs a message saying the bundle is ready on the server URL.
* @access protected
* @ignore
_onCompilationEnds() {
// Make sure the browser should be opened and that it wasn't already.
if (this._options.openBrowser && !this._browserAlreadyOpen) {
// Mark the flag in order to prevent the browser from being open again.
this._browserAlreadyOpen = true;
// Open the browser.
// Prevent the output from being added on the same line as webpack messages.
setTimeout(() => {
this._logger.success(`Your app is running on ${this._url}`);
}, 1);
module.exports = ProjextWebpackOpenDevServer;