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public class | version 1.0 | source


A helper class for creating commands for the CLI.

Constructor Summary

Public Constructor
public abstract

Class constructor.

Member Summary

Public Members

Whether or not the command supports unknown options.


This is a useful flag for when the command is ran as a result of another command.


This is the name of the program that runs the command.


The CLI command instruction.


A description of the command for the help interface.


A more complete description of the command to show when the command help interface is invoked.


Whether the command and its description should be shown on the CLI interface list of commands.


A list with the name of the options the command supports.


A dictionary of command options settings by their option name.


Whether or not a sub program should be executed for this command.

Private Members

This dictionary will be completed when the command gets activated.

Method Summary

Public Methods

addOption(name: string, instruction: string, description: string, defaultValue: string)

Add a new option for the command.


Generate an instruction for this command.

public abstract


Handle the command execution.


output(text: string)

A simple wrapper for a console.log.


register(program: Command, cli: Object)

Register this command on a CLI program.

Public Constructors

public abstract constructor() source

Class constructor.



If instantiated directly.

Public Members

public allowUnknownOptions: Boolean source

Whether or not the command supports unknown options. If it does, it will be sent to the onActivation method as a parameter.

public checkOptionsOnParent: boolean source

This is a useful flag for when the command is ran as a result of another command. It lets the interface know that it can search for option values on a parent command, if there's one.

public cliName: string source

This is the name of the program that runs the command. It will be added when the command is registered on the program.

public command: string source

The CLI command instruction. For example my-command [target].

public description: string source

A description of the command for the help interface.

public fullDescription: string source

A more complete description of the command to show when the command help interface is invoked. If left empty, it won't be used.

public hidden: boolean source

Whether the command and its description should be shown on the CLI interface list of commands.

public options: Array source

A list with the name of the options the command supports. New options can be added using the addOption method.

public optionsByName: Object source

A dictionary of command options settings by their option name. New options can be added using the addOption method.

public subProgram: boolean source

Whether or not a sub program should be executed for this command. Take for example the case of git, where git checkout [branch] executes git as main program, and checkout as a sub program. If this is true, then a binary with the name of the command should be exported on the package.json.

Private Members

private _unknownOptions: Object source

This dictionary will be completed when the command gets activated. If the command supports unknown options (allowUnknownOptions), they'll be parsed and sent to the handle method as the last parameter.

Public Methods

public addOption(name: string, instruction: string, description: string, defaultValue: string) source

Add a new option for the command.


name string

The option name.

instruction string

The option instruction, for example: -t, --type [type].

description string
  • optional
  • default: ''

The option description.

defaultValue string
  • optional
  • default: ''

The option default value, in case is not used on execution.


// To capture an option
  '-t, --type [type]',
  'The type of thingy you want to use?',

// As a simple flag
  '-r, --ready',
  'Is it read?',

public generate(args: Object): string source

Generate an instruction for this command.


args Object
  • optional
  • default: {}

A dictionary with the arguments and options for the command. If the command includes an argument on its command property, that argument is required.



The command instruction to run on the CLI interface.


// Let's say this command is `destroy [target] [--once]`

this.generate({ target: 'pluto' });
// Will return `destroy pluto`

this.generate({ target: 'moon', once: true });
// Will return `destroy moon --once`

public abstract handle() source

Handle the command execution. This method will receive first the captured arguments, then the executed command information from Commander and finally, a dictionary with the options and their values.



if not overwritten.


// Let's say the command is `run [target] [--production]`.
// And now, it was executed with `run my-target`
handle(target, command, options) {
  // Will output `my-target`
  // Will output `false`

public output(text: string) source

A simple wrapper for a console.log. Outputs a variable to the CLI interface.


text string

The text to output.

public register(program: Command, cli: Object) source

Register this command on a CLI program.


program Command

A Commander instance.

cli Object

The main CLI interface, just for the name.

cli.name string

The CLI interface name.
