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const path = require('path');
const { provider } = require('jimple');
 * This service reads the targets information and generates what would be the contents of a
 * Rollup configuration file for them.
class RollupConfiguration {
   * Class constructor.
   * @param {BuildVersion}               buildVersion          To load the project version.
   * @param {Targets}                    targets               To get the target information.
   * @param {TargetsFileRules}           targetsFileRules      To get the file rules of the target.
   * @param {TargetConfigurationCreator} targetConfiguration   To create an overwrite
   *                                                           configuration for the target.
   * @param {RollupConfigurations}       rollupConfigurations  A dictionary of configurations
   *                                                           for target type and build type.
  ) {
     * A local reference for the `buildVersion` service.
     * @type {BuildVersion}
    this.buildVersion = buildVersion;
     * A local reference for the `targets` service.
     * @type {Targets}
    this.targets = targets;
     * A local reference for the `targetsFileRules` service.
     * @type {TargetsFileRules}
    this.targetsFileRules = targetsFileRules;
     * A local reference for the `targetConfiguration` function service.
     * @type {TargetConfigurationCreator}
    this.targetConfiguration = targetConfiguration;
     * A dictionary with the configurations for target type and build type.
     * @type {RollupConfigurations}
    this.rollupConfigurations = rollupConfigurations;
   * This method generates a complete Rollup configuration for a target.
   * Before creating the configuration, it uses the reducer event
   * `rollup-configuration-parameters-for-browser` or `rollup-configuration-parameters-for-node`,
   * depending on the target type, and then `rollup-configuration-parameters` to reduce
   * the parameters ({@link RollupConfigurationParams}) the services will use to generate the
   * configuration. The event recevies the parameters and expects updated parameters in return.
   * @param {Target} target    The target information.
   * @param {string} buildType The intended build type: `production` or `development`.
   * @return {Object}
   * @throws {Error} If there's no base configuration for the target type.
   * @throws {Error} If there's no base configuration for the target type and build type.
   * @todo Stop using `events` from `targets` and inject it directly on the class.
  getConfig(target, buildType) {
    const targetType = target.type;
    if (!this.rollupConfigurations[targetType]) {
      throw new Error(`There's no configuration for the selected target type: ${targetType}`);
    } else if (!this.rollupConfigurations[targetType][buildType]) {
      throw new Error(`There's no configuration for the selected build type: ${buildType}`);

    const input = path.join(target.paths.source, target.entry[buildType]);

    const paths = Object.assign({}, target.output[buildType]);
    if (paths.jsChunks === true) {
      paths.jsChunks = this._generateChunkName(paths.js);

    const output = this._getTargetOutput(target, paths, buildType);

    const copy = [];
    if (target.is.browser || target.bundle) {
      copy.push(...this.targets.getFilesToCopy(target, buildType));

    const definitions = this._getDefinitionsGenerator(target, buildType);
    const additionalWatch = this._getBrowserTargetConfigurationDefinitions(target).files;

    let params = {
      targetRules: this.targetsFileRules.getRulesForTarget(target),
       * The reason we are taking this property is because it's not part of the `Target` entity,
       * but it may be injected by the build engine.
      analyze: !!target.analyze,

    const eventName = target.is.node ?
      'rollup-configuration-parameters-for-node' :

    params = this.targets.events.reduce(
      [eventName, 'rollup-configuration-parameters'],

    let config = this.targetConfiguration(
    config = this.targetConfiguration(

    return config;
   * Generates the Rollup output configuration setting based on the target information, its
   * pared paths and the type of build.
   * @param {Target} target         The target information.
   * @param {Object} formattedPaths The target `paths` setting for the selected build type. The
   *                                reason they are received as a separated parameter is because
   *                                in case the paths originally had a `jsChunk` property, the
   *                                service parsed it in order to inject the paths to the
   *                                actual chunks. Check the method `getConfig` for more
   *                                information.
   * @param {string} buildType      The intended build type: `production` or `development`.
   * @return {Object} The Rollup output configuration.
   * @property {boolean} sourcemap      Whether or not to include source maps.
   * @property {string}  name           The name of the bundle, in case it exports something.
   * @property {string}  format         The bundle format (`es`, `iifee` or `cjs`).
   * @property {string}  file           The name of the bundle when code splitting is not used.
   * @property {?string} exports        In case the target is a library, this will `named`, as the
   *                                    default export mode for libraries.
   * @property {?string} chunkFileNames If code splitting is used, this will be the base name of
   *                                    the chunk files.
   * @property {?string} entryFileNames If code splitting is used, this will be the base name of
   *                                    the main bundle.
   * @property {?string} dir            If code splitting is used, this will be the directory
   *                                    where the chunk files will be saved.
   * @access protected
   * @ignore
  _getTargetOutput(target, formattedPaths, buildType) {
    const output = {
      sourcemap: !!(target.sourceMap && target.sourceMap[buildType]),
      name: target.name.replace(/-(\w)/ig, (match, letter) => letter.toUpperCase()),

    if (target.library) {
      output.format = this._getLibraryFormat(target.libraryOptions);
      output.exports = 'named';
    } else {
      output.format = this._getTargetDefaultFormat(target);

    const filepath = `./${target.folders.build}/${formattedPaths.js}`;

    if (formattedPaths.jsChunks) {
      output.chunkFileNames = path.basename(formattedPaths.jsChunks);
      output.entryFileNames = path.basename(formattedPaths.js);
      output.dir = path.dirname(filepath);
      if (target.is.browser && !target.library) {
        output.format = 'es';
    } else {
      output.file = filepath;

    return output;
   * Based on the taget type, this method will decide which will be the default output format
   * the target will use. The reason this is the "default" format, it's because the service
   * can later changed dependeding in whether the target is a library or not.
   * @param {Target} target The target information.
   * @return {string}
   * @access protected
   * @ignore
  _getTargetDefaultFormat(target) {
    return target.is.node ? 'cjs' : 'iife';
   * Generates a function that when called will return a dictionary with definitions that will be
   * replaced on the bundle.
   * @param {Target} target    The target information.
   * @param {string} buildType The intended build type: `production` or `development`.
   * @return {Function():Object}
   * @access protected
   * @ignore
  _getDefinitionsGenerator(target, buildType) {
    return () => this._getTargetDefinitions(target, buildType);
   * Generates a dictionary with definitions that will be replaced on the bundle. These
   * definitions are things like `process.env.NODE_ENV`, the bundle version, a browser target
   * configuration, etc.
   * @param {Target} target    The target information.
   * @param {string} buildType The intended build type: `production` or `development`.
   * @return {Object}
   * @access protected
   * @ignore
  _getTargetDefinitions(target, buildType) {
    const targetVariables = this.targets.loadTargetDotEnvFile(target, buildType);
    const definitions = Object.keys(targetVariables).reduce(
      (current, variableName) => Object.assign({}, current, {
        [`process.env.${variableName}`]: JSON.stringify(targetVariables[variableName]),

    definitions['process.env.NODE_ENV'] = `'${buildType}'`;
    definitions[this.buildVersion.getDefinitionVariable()] = JSON.stringify(

    return Object.assign(
   * This is a wrapper on top of {@link Targets#getBrowserTargetConfiguration} so no matter the
   * type of target it recevies, or if the feature is disabled, it will always return the same
   * signature.
   * It also takes care of formatting the configuration on a "definitions object" so it can be
   * added to the rest of the targets definitions.
   * @param {Target} target The target information.
   * @return {Object}
   * @property {Object} definitions A dictionary with
   * @property {Array}  files       The list of files involved on the configuration creation.
   * @access protected
   * @ignore
  _getBrowserTargetConfigurationDefinitions(target) {
    let result;
    if (target.is.browser && target.configuration && target.configuration.enabled) {
      const parsed = this.targets.getBrowserTargetConfiguration(target);
      result = {
        definitions: {
          [target.configuration.defineOn]: JSON.stringify(parsed.configuration),
        files: parsed.files,
    } else {
      result = {
        definitions: {},
        files: [],

    return result;
   * Validate and format a target library format in order to make it work with Rollup supported
   * types.
   * @param {ProjectConfigurationNodeTargetTemplateLibraryOptions} options The target library
   *                                                                       options.
   * @return {string}
   * @access protected
   * @ignore
  _getLibraryFormat(options) {
    const format = options.libraryTarget.toLowerCase();
    let result;
    switch (format) {
    case 'commonjs2':
      result = 'cjs';
    case 'window':
    case 'umd':
      result = 'umd';

    return result;
   * This is a small helper function that parses the default path of the JS file Rollup will
   * emmit and adds a `[name]` placeholder for Rollup to replace with the chunk name.
   * @param {string} jsPath The original path for the JS file.
   * @return {string}
   * @access protected
   * @ignore
  _generateChunkName(jsPath) {
    const parsed = path.parse(jsPath);
    return path.join(parsed.dir, `${parsed.name}.[name]${parsed.ext}`);
 * The service provider that once registered on the app container will set an instance of
 * `RollupConfiguration` as the `rollupConfiguration` service.
 * @example
 * // Register it on the container
 * container.register(rollupConfiguration);
 * // Getting access to the service instance
 * const rollupConfiguration = container.get('rollupConfiguration');
 * @type {Provider}
const rollupConfiguration = provider((app) => {
  app.set('rollupConfiguration', () => {
    const rollupConfigurations = {
      node: {
        development: app.get('rollupNodeDevelopmentConfiguration'),
        production: app.get('rollupNodeProductionConfiguration'),
      browser: {
        development: app.get('rollupBrowserDevelopmentConfiguration'),
        production: app.get('rollupBrowserProductionConfiguration'),

    return new RollupConfiguration(

module.exports = {