const rollupUtils = require('rollup-pluginutils');
const extend = require('extend');
* This is a Rollup plugin that replaces the default export statements of stylesheet modules with
* the CSS modules local names.
* This is for web apps that either inject CSS using functions or bundle all on separated files,
* because it searches for functions (inject) or empty strings (bundle) on exports.
class ProjextRollupStylesheetModulesFixerPlugin {
* @param {ProjextRollupStylesheetModulesFixerPluginOptions} [options={}]
* The options to customize the plugin behaviour.
* @param {string} [name='projext-rollup-plugin-stylesheet-modules-fixer']
* The name of the plugin's instance.
constructor(options = {}, name = 'projext-rollup-plugin-stylesheet-modules-fixer') {
* The plugin options.
* @type {ProjextRollupStylesheetModulesFixerPluginOptions}
* @access protected
* @ignore
this._options = extend(
include: [],
exclude: [],
modulesExportName: 'locals',
* The name of the plugin's instance.
* @type {string}
*/ = name;
* The filter to decide which files will be processed and which won't.
* @type {RollupFilter}
this.filter = rollupUtils.createFilter(
* A dictionary of common expressions the plugin uses while parsing files.
* @type {Object}
* @property {RegExp} firstExport Finds the first export statement.
* @property {RexExp} line Matches an export statement line.
* @property {RegExp} definition Gets the parts of a named export.
* @property {RegExp} empty Matches an empty export.
* @access protected
* @ignore
this._expressions = {
firstExport: /^(export\s*)/mi,
line: /^((?:\w+(?: \w+)?)\s*=|default)\s*([\s\S]*?);$/ig,
definition: /^(\w+)\s*([\S\s]*?)\s*=/,
empty: /['|"]{2}/,
* @ignore
this.transform = this.transform.bind(this);
* Gets the plugin options
* @return {ProjextRollupStylesheetModulesFixerPluginOptions}
getOptions() {
return this._options;
* This is called by Rollup when is parsing a file.
* @param {string} code The file contents.
* @param {string} filepath The file path.
* @return {?RollupFileDefinition} If the file matches the plugin filter, it will parse it and
* return a new definition, otherwise it will just return `null`.
transform(code, filepath) {
// Define the variable to return.
let result = null;
// Make sure the file matches the filter and that it has an export statement.
if (this.filter(filepath)) {
// Separate the file into _"contents and exports"_.
const parts = this._getFileParts(code);
// Parse the export statements.
const fileExports = this._getFileExports(parts.exports);
// Update the export statements.
const updatedFileExports = this._updateFileExports(fileExports);
// Generate the export lines.
const statements = this._generateFileExports(updatedFileExports);
// Update the file definition.
result = {
code: `${parts.contents}\n${statements}`,
map: {
mappings: '',
return result;
* Seprates the file into two parts: `content`, everything before the first export, and export
* statements.
* @param {string} code The file code.
* @return {Object}
* @access protected
* @ignore
_getFileParts(code) {
// Generate a unique separator.
const time =;
const separator = `__EXPORTS-BLOCK-SEPARATOR-${time}__`;
const [contents, exports] = code
// Add the separator before the first export.
.replace(this._expressions.firstExport, `${separator}$1`)
// Split the code using the separator.
// Return the file parts.
return {
* Parses the exports statements of a file.
* @param {string} code The part of the file contents with the export statements.
* @return {Object} A dictionary with the keys `default`, for the default export, `modules`, for
* the CSS modules locals export, and `all`, with all the statements found.
* @access protected
* @ignore
_getFileExports(code) {
// Define the variables that will hold the indexes for the default and locals exports.
let defaultExportIndex = -1;
let modulesExportIndex = -1;
const fileExports = code
// Split the code using the statements.
* Remove extra spaces from all the statements (because with the `split`, `export` was also
* removed, leaving a leading space on each line).
.map((line) => line.trim())
// Filter empty lines and lines that don't match an export statement.
.filter((line) => !!line && line.match(this._expressions.line))
// Loop all the filtered lines.
.map((line, index) => {
// Define a dictionary with the export information.
const info = {
isDefault: false,
name: '',
value: '',
type: null,
// Get the name of the export and its value.
let [, name, value] = this._expressions.line.exec(line);
this._expressions.line.lastIndex = 0;
// Remove any trailing semicolon, as the final method will add them.
let endsWithSemi = value.endsWith(';');
while (endsWithSemi) {
value = value.substr(0, value.length - 1);
endsWithSemi = value.endsWith(';');
// Define a variable to hold the export type.
let type;
// If the statement is the default export.
if (name === 'default') {
// Save its index.
defaultExportIndex = index;
// Set the flag to true on its properties.
info.isDefault = true;
} else {
// If is not the default export, parse the type and name.
[, type, name] = this._expressions.definition.exec(line);
this._expressions.definition.lastIndex = 0;
// If the name of the export matches the one for CSS modules, save its index.
if (name === this._options.modulesExportName) {
modulesExportIndex = index;
// Assign the found properties. = name;
info.value = value;
info.type = type;
// Return the object information.
return info;
// Return the dictionary with all the findings.
return {
// The default export, or `null`.
default: defaultExportIndex > -1 ? fileExports[defaultExportIndex] : null,
// The export for the CSS modules locals, or `null`.
modules: modulesExportIndex > -1 ? fileExports[modulesExportIndex] : null,
// All the exports.
all: fileExports,
* Gets the updated export statements for a file.
* @param {Object} fileExports The result of `_getFileExports`, with all the export statements
* information.
* @return {Array} A list of the final export statements.
* @access protected
* @ignore
_updateFileExports(fileExports) {
// Define the variable to return.
let result;
// Get the export for CSS modules locals.
const modulesExport = fileExports.modules;
// If there's an export for the CSS modules locals...
if (modulesExport) {
// ...then get the default export information.
const defaultExport = fileExports.default;
* If the default export matches an empty string, it means that its code was sent to a
* different bundle, so the method can just switch the default export value with the one from
* the CSS Modules locals.
* But if is not an empty string, then there's a function to inject the CSS code, so the
* method will wrap it with another function that calls it and then returns the CSS
* Modules locals.
if (defaultExport.value.match(this._expressions.empty)) {
defaultExport.value = modulesExport.value;
} else {
defaultExport.value = [
'(() => {',
` ${defaultExport.value};`,
` return ${modulesExport.value};`,
* Finally, as the CSS Modules export is already the new default export, set to return a
* list of all the export statements, except for that one.
result = fileExports.all.filter((info) => !==;
} else {
// If no CSS Module export was found, set to return all the exports.
result = fileExports.all;
return result;
* Generates the code for a list of export statements.
* @param {Array} fileExports The list of export statements information generated by
* `_updateFileExports`.
* @return {string}
* @access protected
* @ignore
_generateFileExports(fileExports) {
return fileExports
.map((info) => {
const name = info.isDefault ? 'default' : `${info.type} ${} =`;
return `export ${name} ${info.value};`;
* Shorthand method to create an instance of {@link ProjextRollupStylesheetModulesFixerPlugin}.
* @param {ProjextRollupStylesheetModulesFixerPluginOptions} options
* The options to customize the plugin behaviour.
* @param {string} name
* The name of the plugin's instance.
* @return {ProjextRollupStylesheetModulesFixerPlugin}
const stylesheetModulesFixer = (
) => new ProjextRollupStylesheetModulesFixerPlugin(options, name);
module.exports = {