const path = require('path');
const rollupUtils = require('rollup-pluginutils');
const extend = require('extend');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const insertStyle = require('./insertFn');
* This is a Rollup plugin for handling CSS stylesheets: Move them into a separated bundle,
* inject them when the browser loads the app and transform them into strings so they can be used
* on Node.
class ProjextRollupCSSPlugin {
* @param {ProjextRollupCSSPluginOptions} [options={}]
* The options to customize the plugin behaviour.
* @param {string} [name='projext-rollup-plugin-css']
* The name of the plugin's instance.
constructor(options = {}, name = 'projext-rollup-plugin-css') {
* The plugin options.
* @type {ProjextRollupCSSPluginOptions}
* @access protected
* @ignore
this._options = extend(
include: options.include || [/\.css$/i],
exclude: [],
insert: false,
output: '',
processor: null,
insertFnName: '___$insertCSSBlocks',
stats: () => {},
// Normalize the value of the `output` option.
if (!this._options.insert && !this._options.output) {
this._options.output = !!this._options.output;
* The name of the plugin instance.
* @type {string}
*/ = name;
* The filter to decide which files will be processed and which won't.
* @type {RollupFilter}
this.filter = rollupUtils.createFilter(
* A list with all the files the plugin processed. This gets resetted every time the build
* process starts.
* @type {Array}
* @access protected
* @ignore
this._files = [];
* A list of dictionaries with the information of all the files that will end up on a bundle.
* @type {Array}
* @access protected
* @ignore
this._toBundle = [];
* @ignore
this.intro = this.intro.bind(this);
* @ignore
this.transform = this.transform.bind(this);
* @ignore
this.writeBundle = this.writeBundle.bind(this);
* Gets the plugin options
* @return {ProjextRollupCSSPluginOptions}
getOptions() {
return this._options;
* This gets called when Rollup starts the bundling process. If the `insert` option was set to
* `true`, this method will return the custom function the bundle will use to inject the
* styles on the `<head />`.
* @return {?string}
intro() {
let result = null;
if (this._options.insert) {
result = insertStyle.toString().replace(, this._options.insertFnName);
return result;
* Processes a file in order to determine whether it should export an empty string (in case
* the styles are being moved to a bundle), export the code and/or add extra named exports.
* @param {string} code The contents of the file that it's being processed.
* @param {string} filepath The path of the file that it's being processed.
* @return {?Promise<RollupFileDefinition,Error>}
transform(code, filepath) {
let result = null;
// Validate that the file matches the plugin's filter.
if (this.filter(filepath)) {
// If the file wasn't already processed or the plugin won't generate a bundle...
if (!this._files.includes(filepath) || !this._options.output) {
// If the plugin will generate a bundle, mark the file as processed.
if (this._options.output) {
const css = code.trim();
// If there's code on the file...
if (css) {
// ...then process the code.
result = this._process(css, filepath)
.then((processed) => {
let cssCode;
let rest;
let nextStep;
// If the processed value is a string...
if (typeof processed === 'string') {
// ...assume that's the style code.
cssCode = processed;
} else if (typeof processed.css !== 'string') {
* If the object doesn't have a `css` property, it means that there's no style code,
* so throw an error.
const error = new Error('You need to return the styles using the `css` property');
nextStep = Promise.reject(error);
} else {
// But if the object has a `css` property, assume that's the style code.
cssCode = processed.css;
// Take the other keys as `rest` so they'll be used as the extra named exports.
rest = processed;
delete rest.css;
* If a next step on the promise chain wasn't already defined, it means that there are
* no errors so far, so let's continue.
if (!nextStep) {
// If the code should be injected on the `<head />`.
if (this._options.insert) {
// ...format the code.
const escaped = JSON.stringify(cssCode);
// Define the call to the inject function.
const insertCall = `${this._options.insertFnName}(${escaped})`;
// Use the call inject function as the default export.
nextStep = this._transformResult(insertCall, rest);
} else if (this._options.output === false) {
* But if the code should be returned as a string, format it and set it as the
* default export.
const escaped = JSON.stringify(cssCode);
nextStep = this._transformResult(escaped, rest);
} else {
* Finally, if the code will be added to a bundle, keep the code and path
* information so they'll be used on `writeBundle` and set the default export as
* an empty string.
css: cssCode,
nextStep = this._transformResult('', rest);
return nextStep;
} else {
// If there wasn't any code to process, set an empty string as the default export.
result = Promise.resolve(this._transformResult());
} else {
* If the file was already processed or it shouldn't be returned as a string, set an empty
* string as the default export.
result = Promise.resolve(this._transformResult());
return result;
* This gets called by Rollup when the bundle is being generated. It takes care, if needed, to
* create the stylesheet bundle.
writeBundle() {
const { insert, output } = this._options;
* If the code shouldn't be injected, there's a valid path for the bundle and there are files
* to put on the bundle...
if (
!insert &&
output &&
) {
// Puth all the files' contents on a single string.
const code = this._toBundle
.map((file) => file.css)
// If there's already a file on the specified path for the bundle...
if (fs.pathExistsSync(output)) {
// Append the code to the existing file.
const currentCode = fs.readFileSync(output, 'utf-8');
fs.writeFileSync(output, `${currentCode}\n${code}`);
} else {
// Otherwise, create the new the file and add the code to it.
fs.writeFileSync(output, code);
this._options.stats(, output);
// Reset the lists that keep track of the processed files.
this._files = [];
this._toBundle = [];
* If an custom processor was specified on the options, the method will return the call to the
* processor, otherwise, it will return a promise with the received code.
* The idea of this method is that `transform` won't need to make an `if` and check whether
* the process should start with a promise or be sync, as this method always returns a promise.
* @param {string} css The code to process.
* @param {string} filepath The path of the file which code will be processed.
* @return {Promise<StringOrObject,Error>}
* @access protected
* @ignore
_process(css, filepath) {
return this._options.processor ?
this._options.processor(css, filepath) :
* Formats the results of `transform` so they can be accepted by Rollup.
* @param {string} css The value of the file defult export.
* @param {?Object} [rest=null] A dictionary that will be used to create extra named exports if
* defined.
* @return {RollupFileDefinition}
* @access protected
* @ignore
_transformResult(css, rest = null) {
// If no code was defined, set the value of the default export to an empty string.
const cssCode = css || '\'\'';
// Generate the line with the default export.
let code = `export default ${cssCode};`;
// If extra named exports were defined...
if (rest) {
// Format each entry as a named export.
const restCode = Object.keys(rest)
.map((name) => {
const value = JSON.stringify(rest[name]);
return `export const ${name} = ${value};`;
// Append the named exports to the existing code.
code = `${code}\n${restCode}`;
// Return the definition for Rollup.
return {
map: {
mappings: '',
* Shorthand method to create an instance of {@link ProjextRollupCSSPlugin}.
* @param {ProjextRollupCSSPluginOptions} options
* The options to customize the plugin behaviour.
* @param {string} name
* The name of the plugin's instance.
* @return {ProjextRollupCSSPlugin}
const css = (options, name) => new ProjextRollupCSSPlugin(options, name);
module.exports = {