
 * @typedef {Object} CJS2ESMModuleOption
 * @property {string}  name  The name of the module, or the beginning of an import path.
 *                           This will be converted into a `RegExp`, so it can be a
 *                           expression too.
 * @property {?string} find  Optionally, instead of replacing `name` on the path, this
 *                           property can be used to define a custom `RegExp` string.
 * @property {string}  path  The custom path for the ESM version.

 * @typedef {'js' | 'mjs'} ModuleExtension

 * @typedef {Object} CJS2ESMExtensionOptions
 * @property {ModuleExtension} use     Which extension should be used.
 * @property {string[]}        ignore  A list of expressions (strings that will be
 *                                     converted on `RegExp`) to ignore import statements
 *                                     when validating the use of extensions.

 * @typedef {Object} CJS2CodemodOptions
 * @property {?string}   path   The path, relative to the cwd, to the transformations
 *                              directory. By default, `5to6-codemod`, relative to this
 *                              module.
 * @property {?string[]} files  The list of transformations to use, without extension, as
 *                              `.js` will be used`. If not defined, empty, or not an
 *                              array, it will use the defaults: `cjs`, `exports` and
 *                              `named-export-generation`.

 * @typedef {Object} CJS2ESMOptions
 * @property {string[]} input
 * The list of directories that should be transformed.
 * @property {string} output
 * The directory where the transformed code should be placed.
 * @property {?boolean} forceDirectory
 * By default, if `input` has only one directory, the only thing copied will be its
 * contents,
 * instead of the directory itself; this flag can be used to force force it and always
 * copy the directory.
 * @property {CJS2ESMModuleOption[]} modules
 * Special configurations for modules with ESM versions.
 * @property {CJS2ESMExtensionOptions} extension
 * How should the tool handle the file extensions.
 * @property {boolean} addModuleEntry
 * Whether or not to modify the project `package.json` and add a `module` property with
 * the path to the transformed entry file. This will only work if the project has a `main`
 * property and the file it points to was transformed.
 * @property {boolean} addPackageJson
 * Whether or not to add a `package.json` with `type` set to `module` on the `output`
 * directory.
 * @property {string[]} filesWithShebang
 * The list of files that have a shebang, as the tool needs to remove it before
 * transforming them in order to avoid issues with the parsers. The list are strings that
 * will be converted on into `RegExp`s, so they can be a parts of the path, or
 * expressions.
 * @property {?CJS2ESMOptions} codemod
 * Options to customize integration with the codemod tool, for the transformations.

 * @typedef {Object} CJS2ESMCopiedFile
 * @property {string} from  The absolute path from where the file was copied.
 * @property {string} to    The absolute path to where the file was copied to. It may
 *                          include a change of extension if it was configured on the
 *                          tool.

 * @typedef {Object} TransformOptions
 * @property {CJS2ESMOptions} cjs2esm  The options sent to the main tool. Needed to
 *                                     validate how the extension should be handled.