* Some comment about the function.
const path = require('path');
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const { findFileSync, getAbsPathInfoSync } = require('./utils');
* @typedef {import('jscodeshift').API} API
* @typedef {import('jscodeshift').FileInfo} FileInfo
* Creates the replacement path for an import statement for a folder. It validates if the
* folder has a `package.json`, to keep it as it is, and if it fails, it tries to find an
* index files,
* `.mjs` or `.js`.
* @param {string} absPath The absolute path for the folder.
* @param {string} importPath The path as it is on the import statement.
* @returns {?string} If there's no `package.json` and no `index` was found, the function
* will return `null`.
const createReplacementForFolder = (absPath, importPath) => {
let result;
const pkgPath = path.join(absPath, 'package.json');
const pkgExists = fs.pathExistsSync(pkgPath);
if (pkgExists) {
result = importPath.replace(/\/$/, '');
} else {
const file = findFileSync(['index.mjs', 'index.js'], absPath);
result = file ? path.join(importPath, path.basename(file)) : null;
return result;
* This is the transformation for `jscodeshift` the tool uses to modify import statements,
* add missing `.mjs` extensions and change paths if needed.
* @param {FileInfo} file The information of the file to transform.
* @param {API} api The API that expose `jscodeshift`, with utilities
* for the transformation.
* @param {TransformOptions} options These options are sent by `jscodeshift`, but the
* tool injected its own options so the transformation
* can access to the settings related to the extension.
* @returns {string}
const transform = (file, api, options) => {
const j = api.jscodeshift;
// Extract the tool options.
const { cjs2esm } = options;
// Get the absolute path to the file directory, so it can be joined with the imports.
const base = path.dirname(file.path);
// Generate the AST.
const root = j(file.source);
// Generate the list of expressions to ignore import statements.
const ignoreListForExt = cjs2esm.extension.ignore.map((ignore) => new RegExp(ignore));
const originalFirstNode = root.find(j.Program).get('body', 0).node;
// =================================================
// Parse the import statements to add missing extensions.
// =================================================
// Filter out the ones that are on the ignore list.
.filter((item) => {
const importPath = item.value.source.value;
return (
!ignoreListForExt.some((exp) => importPath.match(exp)) &&
(importPath.startsWith('.') || importPath.match(/^\w/))
.replaceWith((item) => {
const importPath = item.value.source.value;
// Resolve the absolute path for the import statement.
const absPath = importPath.startsWith('.')
? path.join(base, importPath)
: path.resolve('node_modules', importPath);
const info = getAbsPathInfoSync(absPath);
let replacement;
if (info === null) {
// No info was found, so "don't replace it".
replacement = importPath;
} else if (info.isFile) {
// Join the import path directory with the real filename from the info.
replacement = path.join(path.dirname(importPath), path.basename(info.path));
} else {
// If it's a directory, call the function that checks for a `package.json` or an `index`.
const folderReplacement = createReplacementForFolder(absPath, importPath);
replacement = folderReplacement || importPath;
* This is a hotfix; when you use `path.join()` with a path that starts with `./`, the
* function removes it, but that's needed for import statements: if they path doesn't
* starts with `.`, it assumes that it's on `node_modules`.
if (
(importPath === '.' || importPath.startsWith('./')) &&
) {
replacement = `./${replacement}`;
// Replace the node with a new one on the AST.
return j.importDeclaration(item.value.specifiers, j.literal(replacement));
// =================================================
// Parse the modules modifications.
// =================================================
if (cjs2esm.modules.length) {
// Filter out the import statments that don't need to be modified.
.filter((item) => {
const importPath = item.value.source.value;
return cjs2esm.modules.some((mod) => importPath.startsWith(mod.name));
// Apply the modifications.
.replaceWith((item) => {
const importPath = item.value.source.value;
const info = cjs2esm.modules.find((mod) => importPath.startsWith(mod.name));
let replacement;
if (info.find) {
replacement = importPath.replace(new RegExp(info.find), info.path);
} else {
replacement = importPath.replace(
new RegExp(`^${info.name}($|\\/)`),
(match, endChar) => (endChar.endsWith('/') ? `${info.path}/` : info.path),
return j.importDeclaration(item.value.specifiers, j.literal(replacement));
const newFirstNode = root.find(j.Program).get('body', 0).node;
if (newFirstNode !== originalFirstNode) {
newFirstNode.comments = originalFirstNode.comments;
// Regenerate the file code.
return root.toSource({
quote: 'single',
module.exports = transform;