
 * @external Path  https://github.com/jamiebuilds/babel-handbook/blob/master/translations/en/plugin-handbook.md#toc-paths

 * @external Node  https://github.com/jamiebuilds/babel-handbook/blob/master/translations/en/plugin-handbook.md

 * @external ExpressionStatement  https://github.com/jamiebuilds/babel-handbook/blob/master/translations/en/plugin-handbook.md

 * @external AssignmentExpression  https://github.com/jamiebuilds/babel-handbook/blob/master/translations/en/plugin-handbook.md

 * @typedef {Function} ParserCallback
 * @param {Path} path  The Babel information for the object that is currently being
 *                     processed.
 * @throws {Error} If called before {@link ProgramVisitorStart}.

 * @typedef {Object} ClassMethodVisitor
 * @property {ParserCallback} enter  This is called when Babel starts processing the
 *                                   method.

 * @typedef {Object} FunctionDeclarationVisitor
 * @property {ParserCallback} enter  This is called when Babel starts processing the
 *                                   function.

 * @typedef {Object} FunctionExpressionVisitor
 * @property {ParserCallback} enter  This is called when Babel starts processing the
 *                                   function.

 * @typedef {Function} ProgramVisitorStart

 * @typedef {Function} ProgramVisitorFinish
 * @throws {error} if called before {@link ProgramVisitorStart}

 * @typedef {Object} ProgramVisitor
 * @property {ProgramVisitorStart}  enter  This method is called when Babel starts
 *                                         processing a file. It takes care of creating an
 *                                         instance of {@link InjectDirectiveParser} so
 *                                         the other {@link ParserCallback} can use.
 * @property {ProgramVisitorFinish} exit   This method is called when Babel finishes
 *                                         processing a file. After parsing all available
 *                                         methods and functions,
 *                                         it uses the instance of
 *                                         {@link InjectDirectiveParser}
 *                                         to apply the changes on the code.

 * @typedef {Object} Visitors
 * @property {ClassMethodVisitor} ClassMethod
 * The methods inside this object are only called when Babel is processing a class method.
 * @property {FunctionDeclarationVisitor} FunctionDeclaration
 * The methods inside this object are only called when Babel is processing a function
 * declaration (`function name (...) { }`).
 * @property {FunctionExpressionVisitor} FunctionExpression
 * The methods inside this object are only called when Babel is processing a function
 * expression (`const name = function (...) { }`).
 * @property {ProgramVisitor} Program
 * The methods inside this object are called when Babel starts and finishes processing
 * file.

 * @typedef {Object} BabelPluginTransformClassInjectDirective
 * @property {Visitors} visitor
 * A dictionary with keys for each object type Babel processes. In the case of this
 * plugin, it only has keys for methods and functions.